Dear Ironflower,
Yesterday you turned 6. SIX. I remember your birth so vividly, but the intervening years have just flown by. Where is the little girl who could barely use a "poonce" on her ice cream? Who sucked her thumb and carried her kitty everywhere? Who thought the Doodlebops were the coolest band on the planet?
Now you like Pink and only sleep with your kitty. You are my favorite person to watch "Project Runway" with, even if we don't always agree on the designs. You are so confident and independent. I am continually amazed at your artistic endeavors, your social skills and your developing sense of humor. You play so well with your brothers and take such good care of them. Yesterday you even let them open some of your birthday presents.
At 6, you like to watch Phineas and Ferb and My Little Ponies. You've moved from the Disney Princesses to Disney Fairies, though you did enjoy Tangled quite a bit. You love to do art projects, play Chutes and Ladders and play with the Littlest Pet Shop animals. You are hoping to get a Zhu Zhu pet for Christmas. You take ballet, tap, gymnastics and swimming. You want to start Irish Dance after the New Year. You love to read books by Mo Willems (both the Elephant and Piggie series and the Knufflebunny series) and books about dinosaurs, space and princesses.
You are such an amazing kid. You want to make friends with everyone, you work so hard at school and you're such a great help around the house (usually). I am so lucky to be your mom.
So sweet! Can't believe quickly my boys are growing, either. In many ways it breaks my heart. My 11 year old's shoe is 2 sizes larger than mine and he looks me dead in the eye these days (I MIGHT have 1/2 inch on him). My BABY is turning 8 and surprises me every day with how grown up he is becoming, and how little he needs me. The only time anyone snuggles with me anymore is if they have sustained an injury and need comforting. Sometimes I have to trip one of my kids just to get affection. It's wrong, but it feels so right.
@livingindarwin I hope so. I'm planning on collecting all of them into books for each kid.
@Lori Stefanac (Lola) I am so not ready. But I'm going to remember the tripping technique.
I hope she enjoyed her big day. I always enjoy peeking into possible futures by reading about girls a bit older than mine (she'll be 5 in March) and boys a bit older than mine ( he's 9.5).
Oh, lovely! It will be so nice for her to read this one day.
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