
Someone Should Totally Pay Me For This

I watched Jersey Shore last night. Yes, I'm pretty sure I lost some IQ points, not to mention some self-respect. Also? I'm so, so glad that no one ever filmed me while I was drunk. Sure, I probably wouldn't have spent so much of my youth drunk if I'd known I was being filmed, but still.

The true problem here, of course, is that most of the shows I'm proud to watch are in hiatus right now or off the air completely. I long for the day when I can design my own TV channels so that I never wind up watching Jersey Shore again. Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to program your own channels, like some merger of Hulu and a cool video game?

I've been pondering this in the hours that I've been scrubbing the house (the rest of the family comes home tonight to a spotless house that I'm sure they will demolish within 3 hours) and I've come up with 3 channel ideas:

Great Drama: The West Wing, The Sopranos, Friday Night Lights, Homicide, Oz, Mercy, the first few seasons of ER, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cold Feet, Fringe

Great Comedy: Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, Modern Family, Friends, Arrested Development, Glee, Absolutely Fabulous, selected seasons and sketches of Saturday Night Live,

Great Trash: The Real Housewives, Real Sex, House Hunters, Bridezillas, Project Runway, Degrassi, Top Chef

I feel like I've forgotten some great shows, so please leave suggestions in the comments. What would your ideal channel show all day? What kind of channel have I forgotten?

Also, if you could please, please, please like my page on Facebook or follow my blog (or both) I promise I'll reward you when I win Powerball.


Soccermom said...

I do like your drama channel.

I watch so much tv, I just dont know how I could ever pick. 4 to 5 shows a night I dvr.
While I am also in my "down" season tv watching time, I have been watching :
Rescue me
Rizzoli & Isles
Oh yeah and the bacholor pad. ( yes that is very embarrassing)
Until the good shows come back on.
I am a big mentalist, Dextor, Big Love, and Big bang theory watcher also.

qtberryhead said...

You'd have to add an After School Specials channel...my husband watches all these programs about how stuff is made, random jobs, and bacon. When he throws out some new tidbit I say "After School Special?" and he just grins.
As far as my interests, you got me with the first two. Reality TV makes me insane. Oh, and there'd have to be a serious cut in commercials, this 40 minutes of show vs. 20 minutes of commercials is nonsense.
My recent post Delta Airlines Makes Me Cry

michelle said...

I am not a big tv watcher myself...wonder why...too much blogging maybe, but I DO watch "Real Housewives of NJ". What do you think of this season?
My recent post Pox

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Soccermom - I like Rescue Me and Entourage, but I don\'t love them the way I used to. I\'ve been meaning to try some of the others you mentioned and I definitely forgot Big Love.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Qtberryhead - I definitely would need one like that for my husband, too. And I definitely agree with cutting back commercial time!

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Qtberryhead - I definitely would need one like that for my husband, too. And I definitely agree with cutting back commercial time!

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Michelle - I kinda love Real Housewives of NJ, even though they aren\'t much brighter than the kids on Jersey Shore. I liked this season - what did you think?

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Erin - I\'ll add in Law and Order - but only SVU and Criminal Intent. And I\'ll put Grey\'s on the trash channel, because I do like watching it, but it\'s so not on the level of the other shows.

WordVixen said...

The Brit-Com channel. I'd totally be a couch potato instead of a net junkie. I would also be happy if the History Channel simply showed, uh, history, the weather showed, uh, the weather, and History International was only international history. Themes people! Stick to 'em!
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JenJerseygirl89 said...

Wordvixen - Absolutely! There\'s a billion channels, don\'t tell me that the Travel Channel has to cover the World Series of Poker.

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Amber - I would totally add Big Brother, I used to watch it. And I could handle Charmed as well. Done!

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Wordvixen - Absolutely! There\'s a billion channels, don\'t tell me that the Travel Channel has to cover the World Series of Poker.