
She Started It

I survived taking the kids to the pool again today. On the bright side, no one pooped. Though Lovebug let out a few screams (overtired+overexcited=Lovebug screams in response to any negative stimuli) that were loud enough to make me think someone had pooped.

But I suppose I'm the one who misbehaved today. Because today, folks, I read a magazine while my kids were in the pool. That's right, not only did I let them go in by themselves, I dared to look away while they were in there.

Of course, they are 4 and 5 and they were in about 3 feet of water. Fenced into 3 feet of water, I should say. And there were like 6 other kids in the whole area.  While neither swims quite successfully, they do understand not breathing water. Oh, and they are very loud.

So, when I was not playing with them, feeding them or finding out why Lovebug was screaming (bumped his elbow on the fence, for example), I read. Not a novel, because I could get so engrossed in a novel I could miss them taking my wallet and handing it to the guy who sells ice cream and/or smacking that kid who was splashing everybody. Anyway, you should have seen the looks I got from the other moms.

Not all of them, but enough. Especially the one that I was NOT going to make fun of on this blog because she always seemed perfectly nice. I am trying to be a kinder, gentler me. But she glared at me, so clearly she started it and I can make fun of her freely.

Now let me say that a lot of moms around here still wear bikinis. Because they still look good in bikinis. And another percentage, while maybe not rocking the bikini, still looks cute at the pool. This mom is clearly trying to be in that category, because she doesn't try the pregnant bikini thing, but her suit is very cute and she always does her hair.

And by does her hair, I mean that she invariable ties a grosgain ribbon around her ponytail. It's always a different color, too.

What woman over 18. . .hell, what girl over 10 wears a ribbon in her hair? And who thinks, yeah, a ribbon is the perfect accessory for swimming?

And it's in this loopy, lop-sided bow with long strings hanging down her neck. I mean, it would not have been a great style in 1986.

Ahem. So, yeah, ribbon lady and her friend glared at me today, as I sat with my magazine. I started to feel self-conscious. Because, you know, maybe I was being irresponsible by not watching them (along with the 2 lifeguards) in the 3 feet of water. And then I thought, maybe they're just jealous because they had toddlers to follow around(this is why I avoid taking ChunkyMonkey to the pool. Also, he gets bored. And if I'm hauling a ton of gear and making a picnic, we are staying at the pool for more than an hour, dammit.) and I did not.

So then I thought, I'll ask the internets. Well, the 4 of you not at BlogHer, anyway. Was I being irresponsible? Should ribbon lady have glared at me? Or would you have done the same thing?


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Susan said...

It's great you read your mag. Perfectly safe, especially with lifeguards right there

Elizabeth A. said...

I can't imagine why anyone would think of glaring if you're sitting right there. You have ears. Maybe she didn't understand why she's the only one with a cheerleader bow in her hair.
My recent post Friday Morning Confessions

Kenzeys Mommy said...

I would have read a magazine too! You didn't do anything wrong and were not irresponsible. The ribbon lady prolly glared at you because she was just jealous and wished she brought her magazine too... Or maybe she was trying the read the cover of yours? Lifeguards make it perfectly safe.... Read away!!

silken said...

good for you! I think just jealous that she didn't have magazine!

soccermom said...

I am prob not the best person to comment, cause when my kids were little I was one of "those" parents that was w a y over protective. However, I would never pass judgement on someone elses parenting skills.

I am now one of the parents that lays out in the binki the whole time while my kids run around the water park.

My recent post Its Sharing Shit Day- So come join in the fun!

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Soccermom, my husband thinks I\'m way over-protective too. That\'s probably why I\'m having anxiety about this!

catutes said...

I think ribbon lady needs to pay more attention to her kids than you reading your magazine.
You know your kids and their limits and what you feel safe letting them do, so people need to mind their own.