
It's All Relative

So Hot Guy has taken Ironflower and Lovebug to Kansas to stay with their grandparents. For a week. Initially, I had a lot of anxiety about this. I've never been so far away from them, never been without them for so many nights. And yet, now that they are safely there, I feel at peace.

Because taking care of one toddler? It's cake.

An endless supply of snacks and occasional trips in the car (his favorite phrase these days is "Go car!", which can be amended to screams of "Car go!" if you don't respond quickly enough) and he's pretty happy. Plus, he doesn't care what shows we watch when the TV is on.

So yeah, parents of only children? You have it easy.

Not that there's anything in the world that would make me give up any of my 3 in 4 years, but still. This is just so much easier.

Of course, I didn't think so when I (briefly) had only 1 kid. Then I thought having a kid was so much work.  And it was, compared to my life of having no kids.

So I think what I need to do when the big kids come back is borrow a few more kids. So that I'll have 5 or 6 to manage. Then I'll send the extras back to their (well-rested) parents and having 3 will seem easy.

In fact, I think that's what all of us who feel overwhelmed should do - borrow some extra kids. Your kid is tiring you out? Handle 3 for a week. Three kids driving you crazy? Try 5. Five kids stressing you out? Have 7. And those of you that have more than 5 kids? Send them to whiners like me and have some time off. Because you? You don't need to be reminded of how much more difficult things can be.

Sure, "time off" isn't quite the same when you have kids. You spend your time cleaning their closets and rearranging their rooms while they're gone, like I have (amazingly, though, I still haven't gotten around to cleaning their bathroom.). You worry about what they're doing and how they're feeling and whether their father is remembering to put sun block on them. You miss their hugs and their commentary, though maybe not their love of the Disney Channel.

So it's not the "time off" of yesteryear, which involved lots of booze, trashy television and complete relaxation. (That wasn't just me, right?) But it's still time where you don't have to do a lot of the more annoying parenting tasks like settling arguments, cooking (ChunkyMonkey prefers meals of fruit, milk, peanut butter and crackers and who am I to argue?) and listening to Phineas and Ferb.

At least that's how I'm looking at it.


silken said...

sounds like a perfect plan!

and with teens I must say I am worn out! at least as little kids they went to be at 8pm!! so with only one more year with my son "at home" I am trying to just remind myself that in a few short years I'll have more "vacation" time than I may truly be ready for...

Michelle said...

Let me know if you are serious about that 5 kid idea...I have a 9 year old and a 10 year old that I am willing to lend you...sell you...give you...your choice ;)
My recent post Jersey Girl in Philly

Aunt Becky said...

That's the funny thing about singletons: you never realize how easy it is until you have three.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Aunt Becky, I know. It's like youth being wasted on the young.

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Soccermom, well, I think you should find out. I would do it myself, but I already know I don\'t have the patience for young, hot men anymore.

Jersey Girl said...

I will always have patience for young hot men...as long as they they just stand there and look pretty :)

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Excellent point!

JenJerseygirl89 said...

Soccermom, well, I think you should find out. I would do it myself, but I already know I don\'t have the patience for young, hot men anymore.