
Poop On The Beach

The universe is testing me.

Two subjects that other people manage every day are completely tripping me up.

Other people, for example, don't secretly hope to run into douchebags so that they can get a blog post out of it. Other people, I gather, might not even automatically assume that someone is a douchebag within 10 seconds of seeing them. So I've been trying to be more open-minded and tolerant.

Also, I notice that I'm always telling my kids to ask directly and politely for what they want, and to speak up for themselves. Yet there are many occasions - especially with strangers and doctors, for example - where I don't take my own advice.

I was just thinking about my personal goals on Saturday while I was watching the big kids at a local pool. They were in the shallow water, playing happily, and I was chatting with my Dad  - who not only met us there, but managed to snag 2 comfy chairs and a place in the shade. Awesome. There was a group in front of us with 2 toddlers. I started paying attention when I noticed the little girl running around naked and heard one of the adults say, "But is she potty trained?"

The child's mother replied, "If she's naked, it's fine. She can just go in the sand. " You know, the sand were kids were digging at that very moment. THAT SAND. Not the sand off in the bushes away from people who were digging and eating and laying in the sand.

"Um, I think she's already gone, " said the first guy. And super mom said, "Oh, she pooped. You can just scoop it up with one of the sand toys and throw it in the trash."

That's right, the child had pooped into the sand where people were digging and eating and laying. And then they used her toy shovel to scoop it up and throw it into the trash can. And they didn't even rinse off the shovel.

I mean, how the hell am I supposed to ignore this level of douchebaggery? How can I not post about the crazy people who think it's okay to let their kids poop where dogs can't? And to use their kids' toys to scoop up poop?

I can't. I have failed this test, universe. And you know what? I'm okay with failing this part of the test. There are just too many douchebags in the world for me to be a kind, happy blogger.


What I am ashamed of is failing to say anything to these people. I just stared at my Dad, both of our mouths wide open. Usually I can think of a good question or comment within 48 hours of an incident, but I am still at a loss. Should I have said anything? And, if so, what?

Help me here, internets.


Jaime said...

That is just utterly disgusting! I don't know what I would have done, probably starting talking about how gross it was, VERY LOUDLY! I'm passive aggressive like that:)

soccermom said...

That is soooo wrong on so many levels.
I would of totally gone over and said something. But also knowing when I was done that it would also be time to leave. Unfair yes that my kids would of missed out on the fun, but a good thing for your kids to see the difference between right and wrong.

Then again I have a big mouth. ; (
So you probably shouldnt listen to me. ha

Lisa R. said...

Someone that far gone probably wouldn't understand it if you explained it to her. MAYBE if you used a hypothetical, as in, "If my child pooped on your picnic blanket, would you brush it off and lie down in that same spot?" MAYBE.

Hotguy (jerseygirl's husband) said...

If I had been there, I probably would have said something inappropriate and loud. But if it happens again, tell a person of authority and avoid the problem all together.

Lisa R. said...

Someone that far gone probably wouldn't understand it if you explained it to her. MAYBE if you used a hypothetical, as in, "If my child pooped on your picnic blanket, would you brush it off and lie down in that same spot?" MAYBE.