
Mama What?

I don't make fun of Sarah Palin much on this blog because Tina Fey does it so much better. To be honest, the whole blog would be better if Tina Fey wrote it, but I believe she's busy writing Emmy winning television shows and doesn't blog much. When I grow up, I want to be Tina Fey.

Oh right, this post isn't actually about Tina Fey and my massive girl crush.

It's not really about Sarah Palin either, though. It's about her fans. Her fellow "Mama Grizzlies".

Do we really want our parenting skills and feelings to be likened to those of the grizzly bear?

Assuming that losing at least a hundred IQ points doesn't bother you (it does me. I'm pro smart people. Especially government people. But I digress.), I want you to imagine spending 2 years alone with your kids.

No mate. No family. No friends. Because that's how grizzlies do it.

They hibernate every winter.

Also, there's inbreeding.

And finally, there's the part that I believe Palin likes. Grizzlies, of course, attack when their cubs are threatened. Threatened can mean that humans are too close to the cubs, even if said people are minding their own business. Threatened can mean that anything is close to their cubs, even if said things have no interest in the cubs.

Because grizzlies bears are not smart enough to tell what is an actual threat and what is some idiot hiker wandering off the trail. Which, I believe, describes Palin and her ilk perfectly.

Gay marriage is not going to hurt their children. Health care for poor kids is not going to hurt their children. Whether or not there is a mosque at Ground Zero is not going to even affect their children because none of them live in lower Manhattan.

Yes, I believe in protecting my children. I'll fight to the death for them.

Just don't call me a "Mama Grizzly".


Hot Guy said...

No you are not a "Mama Grizzly"- you are more like a "Mama Turbo" because you do so much around here for our family.

Zakiyah said...

Great post!

Jerseygirl89 said...

YOU are allowed to say Mama Bear. Because you support basic human rights, you can say whatever you want! :)

Hot Guy said...

No you are not a "Mama Grizzly"- you are more like a "Mama Turbo" because you do so much around here for our family.