
"Playboy I Don't Get It"

This is a top search on my blog these days.

Even ignoring the weird Google statistical gymnastics that cause people searching for this to wind up here, what the hell, people?

I don't know whether people want me to explain Playboy's attractions or to commiserate about that weird attraction some people have for Playboy.

I hope it's the former. So here's my explanation:

Playboy has pictures and videos of pretty, naked girls. They are naughty without being smutty. They do not get mad, go on the rag or make guys hold their purses while they try on clothes. They are FANTASY women. And men like fantasies.

(Probably some lesbians do too. But I've never met a lesbian who's told me that she liked Playboy. But I would really, really, love to and I would totally go out drinking with her even though I don't really drink anymore. . .wait, my drinking fantasies aren't the point here. . .)

Oh yeah, men are also visually stimulated. So, you know, Playboy. That's the point. And let me tell you, Playboy is the cleanest, sweetest porn there is. So if your guy is all about Playboy? Be happy.

Anyone looking for commiseration has obviously gotten lost. My feelings on porn should make it clear.


Jerseygirl89 said...

Stephanie, that's a good point. And I think I like "bad moms porn" better, actually!

Jerseygirl89 said...

You know, I have read interesting articles in Playboy. But my favorite "guy" magazine was Details. I loved the sex column.

Travis Erwin said...

I submitted a short story to Playboy once. They sent me a cool rejection letter saying they were returning it unread as my story was 200 words longer than their guidelines allow. I like to tell people I was rejected by Playboy Bunnies for being too long. Yeah it's an altered truth but what the hell, a guy has to dream.