
The Godless Heathen Heads to Bible School

This week I am volunteering at Vacation Bible School.

My kids' preschool is housed in a church and there's some crossover. Like VBS. We don't belong to the church, though. We don't belong to any church. We're a mix of secular humanism and Unitarian-Universalism; we  don't believe the Bible is the word of God.

I never went to Vacation Bible School. Or Sunday School. The first time I read the Bible was in college, as an history major who took everything regarded as historical fact with a grain of salt.

Although the first time I heard about the Bible was 9 or so years before,  from a neighbor whose family was EXTREMELY dysfunctional. She told me I was going to hell because I hadn't been baptized. I asked if her (extremely violent) brother would go to hell also since, you know, he was evil. She said no, he was baptized. (I realize that this was faulty, but I"m trying to explain my thinking)

I had no way of arguing with her, I barely knew what "baptized" meant. And that's exactly what I DON'T want for my children. I want them to understand what Christianity is so that it can't be used against them. When the time comes, I want them to make an informed choice about their religious and spiritual practices. (I would, of course, prefer that choice to be like mine, but I'll settle for anything short of Quiverfull, extremism of any kind or Satanism).

So, anyway. VBS.

Yesterday's lesson was that the Bible is the word of God. Fortunately, I am volunteering in the nursery so that I don't have to have a lot of theoretical discussions about the lessons. Or, really, any discussions about the lessons. Which is good, since I don't actually believe most of the lessons.

Ah, the lessons of VBS. They make me think of  cult indoctrinations. That and the songs of praise/dancing/clapping sessions twice a day. We don't take the nursery kids to those sessions, we just play the CD over and over and over. And over. Isn't that a part of an indoctrination methodology?

All of my children are having a grand time. They loooooove VBS.

The older two recount stories to me, and I repeat, "That's what some people believe". I wonder if they'll have VBS detention if they repeat that to all of the believers. I wonder if letting them go to VBS  just because it's fun, cheap and filled with friends makes me a total hypocrite.

I wonder if I can listen to that CD for 3 more mornings straight.

I wonder what your thoughts are on sending your kids to religious education classes or camps. Do you expect your kids to believe what you believe or to make their own decisions?

Also, do you think I"m a total hypocrite?


cuz Greg said...

Oh on a related note...when i first read this, you going to Vocation Bible study my first thought was Gregory Peck attempting to take Dameion to church in "The Omen". That didn't end well either (SORRY)

Cousin Ave said...

I love this post! As you know, I send my kids to a private Catholic school. I am not Catholic, and am not outspoken on religion. However, there are many, many, many things I love about this school - too many to list. However, two of my favorite things are the number of students who are not catholic, and the emphasis the school places on learning about other religions.

My kids come home with all kinds of questions. Some freak me out, some make me sad, most of them surprise me - but all of them give us an opportunity to talk about religion being a personal choice and taking many forms. I always answer questions with, "some people believe" or "I believe". My own Hotguy and I are hoping to share with our kids that we don't have all the answers and there is no one right way - which is how we feel. I hope this comes across to our kids, and I hope they will be able to make their own informed decisions about religion. I also hope they will respect other people's rights to make their choices and practice their beliefs.

Ask me again in 20 years....

Lisa R. said...

I'm a godless heathen who has warm feelings for church. I grew up in it, found it comforting and a good social experience, wish I could still be part of it but I just.don't.believe.anymore. I'd be happy if my kids found that religion brought something of value to their lives and actually have thought that I should give them opportunities to get to know it. So I think it's great that your kids are in VBS. And I think that if you asked the church whether it was OK for your godless children to be in VBS, they'd be tickled at the opportunity to educate little nonbelievers! So everybody's happy, except you with the insipid nursery music.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Lisa, I love hearing that you have positive memories. I think that's what I really want for the kids. Although I probably won't be volunteering in the nursery again!

Jerseygirl89 said...

Lisa, I love hearing that you have positive memories. I think that's what I really want for the kids. Although I probably won't be volunteering in the nursery again!

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