So I spent hours over the weekend reorganizing the blog. I tried to customize my theme - yeah, I realize that it's not the most exciting theme right now, but I tried, okay? I also upgraded my Wordpress, which should require just pushing a button but naturally it never works that way for me.
But I don't want any of you to focus on that. I want you to notice that my blogroll is gone. I made it into a separate page at the top called "I Would Actually Clean For These People". Someday I hope to have little blurbs about everyone, but I ran out of energy yesterday. I'm sorry. If you are reading this post and you are not on that page, let me know in the comments or in email ( I will add you. Unless you are that guy who comes here after searching "sex with dirty socks". I don't want to SEE your website, let alone link to it.
Anyway, I thought a page might be more noticeable and flexible. Of course, you'll have to wait until I figure out why my damn page rank and such disappeared (BEFORE I messed with anything, I swear) for it to help your blog get noticed, but I assume by Christmas everything will be back normal.
Also, you might want to sign up for my rss feed or email subscription over there on the right since since searching for "jerseygirl89" will first lead you to my Blogcatalog page from 2007. But you don't have to. I will still link to you if you leave me a comment because I appreciate you stopping by.
As long as you're not the guy with the dirty socks fetish.
Sweet. I made the list.
Of course! I love your blog.
I think you just figured out the whole thing. Do you think apologizing will help?
You are exaggerating. And if you want to change your blogger page, I can help you.
I use wordpress, for my blogs and for another's blog. Not all themes are equally able to hold onto widgets. There is a beautiful theme that I so wanted to use, but it would NOT hold onto widgets. The ones I'm using now are all either in a blue "colorway" or in browns. I have some blogspot blogs, too, but only because I love playing with the software.
The whole dirty socks thing gives me the creeps. Yay, Akismet!
Wow. My comment appeared. Finally. Sort of. But not my pretty little Gravatar. Mama Mia.
No, say it isn't so! No love for the Wordpress? Well, I'm still a clueless noob to formal blogging, and learning to program and tweak stuff is killing my social life (that I didn't really have anyway), but I love the flexibility. But then again I also don't use custom themes 'cause I only know enough html to get myself in trouble. :) Good luck!
I can't even access my wordpress blogs right now. when support emailed me back what to do, it was like they were speaking a foreign language to me! I had to google just to figure out how to get the info to send them!
OMG. I haven't had a decent blogroll since blogger either. I hadn't put those two things together, but the blogger blogroll is way better than any of the plug-ins I could find.
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