So this morning I had to go to the grocery store. With all 3 kids. I know there are some moms who bring their 6 well-behaved kids to the grocery each week, along with their lists and their coupons.
I am not one of those moms.
I try to do my grocery shopping when the older two are in preschool and Hot Guy is able to watch the toddler. I am lucky if I remember to bring my list or my coupons, because I have yet to manage to bring both.
It is not that my kids are bad at the grocery store. Generally, they are pretty good - so good, in fact, that I often bring home more junk food than I'd intended. Because they ask so politely. And they've walked in the aisles without hitting each other. It's just that I have a hard time having 3 simultaneous conversations, remembering what I want to buy and using the scanner correctly.
In retrospect, I probably should have skipped the scanner. But I like scanning as I go, because that means I can bag as I go and then I don't get stressed out at the checkout. Besides, I thought Ironflower and Lovebug would like using the scanner. As usual, I was wrong about what they'd like. ChunkyMonkey was the only one who liked the scanner. As in, he liked eating the scanner.
Despite the wrestling matches that ensued every time I had to take the scanner away from ChunkyMonkey to actually use it, I made it through most of the store in a fairly good state. In the juice aisle, however, all 3 kids needed me at the exact same second, which also happened to be the second that I was trying to scan juice boxes. So I put the scanner down.
After dealing with each kid's issue, I reached for the scanner so that we could resume shopping and get the hell out of there. But the scanner was not in the cart. Or under the cart. Or next to the juice boxes. Or in my bags. Or in ChunkyMonkey's hands.
I had a sudden vision of having to go up to the customer service counter and tell them that I lost a scanner. I realized that I would have to start shopping all over again. I ordered Lovebug and Ironflower to look. I muttered exasperatedly. Finally, I said loudly, "How could a scanner just disappear?"
The elderly man behind us averted his eyes. He'd witnessed the whole thing and didn't even give me a smile of sympathy. Fortunately, another mom came by. She discovered the scanner on the shelf under the juice. Where I hadn't looked, because why would I put it under the juice? That would just be dumb. I thanked her profusely. I was reminded that there are still good people in the world. I will be forever grateful to the scanner fairy. My heart soared until I noticed the sour old man.
He pushed his cart by us, shaking his head. I think he saw me put the scanner under the juice and was too afraid to interrupt my rant. Or he's the scanner troll.