This post was supposed to be about the quote, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." I heard it somewhere the other day and I thought, no wonder parents always feel like they're going crazy! I mean, every day I serve my kids some "new" ("new" meaning they don't currently like it, not that they've never had it before or even liked it before) fruit or vegetable. And every day, they tell me they don't like the fruit or vegetable. But I keep hoping.
I was prepared to lament about how many times I've told them to use words when they're angry, or to flush the toilet, or to ask politely for what they want instead of whining. And how many times they have totally ignored me.
I was going to say that, "Parenting is the definition of insanity."
But then I looked up the quote. It's not a Chinese proverb. It's not by Mark Twain, Albert Einstein or Benjamin Franklin. It does not resonate with years of gravitas.
It's something that Rita Mae Brown said in a novel in the '80's. Probably.
And THEN I realized that my children don't bite anymore. They have all bitten each other (and me, their father and grandmothers) in the past, usually somewhere around the age of 14 months. And after each bite, I would say "NO!" and remove them from the situation. And lo and behold, after of a month or doing the same routine 20 times a day, they would actually STOP BITING.
So really the definition of parenting is doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and FINALLY (after years of gray hairs and martinis and blogs posts about public humiliations and candy bars and tears) you get different results.
Im pretty sure around my household I am still considered a broken record, in which NO ONE is listening to.
The definition of good parenting is Jen
Greg - You are sweet. And probably need to spend a few days with us so you can hear me yelling.
Soccermom - But they're not listening about different things, right? It's still progress then.
then I know I am going totally insane! and still waiting for some of those different results, even after 17 years…..
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