
Carrot Showdown

I was a picky eater as a child. My cousins like to remind of the phase I went through when I wouldn't eat green food because it was my favorite color. (Just for the record, that wasn't really it. It was because I hated most green foods. Especially lima beans. And broccoli.)

Naturally, I assumed that my own children would not have to rebel in this way. I wouldn't demand that they eat their vegetables, I would simply present them with healthy choices and eventually they would find fruits and vegetables that they liked.

Karma is such a bitch, isn't she?

My children are worse than I ever was. They don't even eat pasta or cold cuts, let alone vegetables. The only fruit Ironflower eats willingly is apples.

So we decided to try a more forceful strategy. Now they can't be excused without trying  everything on their plates. We figured that if they tried enough new things, they'd learn to like some of them. According to the parenting magazines, it can take 20 tries. We knew we'd have to be consistent and persistent. We were prepared for that.

We were not prepared for Ironflower, however. At 5, Ironflower has the will of an Olympian. An Olympian who refuses to eat any vegetables. Recently we've been working on baby carrots. (Do not tell me about dipping. The child won't use any dip but ketchup, and then only on some kinds of french fries.)

Is one bite of carrot really such an unreasonable request?

The child has refused the carrot 4 times now. Each time she has not been excused from the table. She has stayed there until bedtime. FOUR TIMES.

I mean, she's KNOWS we're serious. She KNOWS that we're not going to give in. And yet. . .


We've had the same issue with peas. And green beans. And pears.

But carrots, dude. Even I liked them as a child.

Anyone got advice they can pass on before dinner this evening? Because I'm getting kind of desperate.


cuz Greg said...

I'm actually impressed with her willpower. I had a similar problem growing up about eating my brussle sprouts, which to me feeding your kids brussle sprouts should be outlawed along with caneing..anyway, my advice...if you give in I'm thinking she may develop confidence in her ability to outlast you, and someday it may pertain to something more important that carrots...I say stick it out. Their are 2 of you and one of her...although from what u have said that sound about even (smile)

Suzy Voices said...

God, I have NO advice in this arena. My son, now 13  and still no veggies, gagged on a SINGLE PIECE of corn during our "make him try things" phase. I've given up, so I just give him vitamins. Great parenting, huh?Good luck!!

a.larson90 said...

Our rule is two chews, and if you don't like it you can spit it out.  Then I promise they don't have to try it for another week.  I have boys, they like the opportunity to spit.  But sometimes they keep chewing and ask for more.  On carrots, they like the slow cooked in a stew, but won't touch them if crunchy.  It can be exhausting, frustrating, but different preparations really change things.  Try grilled pineapples.  Almost had to force feed that one and after two chews almost ate to the point of diarrhea.Yeah, I was on of those kids that routinely sat at the table til bed time.  I didn't open my pallet until I was 30.  But my boys, with two chews, they now have way bigger pallets than I did.Best of luck.

silken said...

my daughter has her own iron will. can't say if this is good advice but here is what we did: whatever they did not eat was left on the plate (in fridge/ reheated as needed) for the next snack or meal. if they were hungry they could have what was left on their plate. my son only had to eat his dinner for breakfast a couple of times. daughter…she could go 24 hours w/o eating before she would finally eat what had been left, and that was at preschool age. she is still pretty picky but does force down what we make for dinner.  for whatever that's worth….

Jerseygirl89 said...

Suzy - We've been down that road too. At least they eat vitamins.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Greg- You would be impressed. :P She finally broke down last night.

Jerseygirl89 said...

A.larson - Oooh, I like that idea.

Jerseygirl89 said...

silken - I like that idea too. Especially for stuff that they would like if they just gave it a chance, like pasta.

Travis Erwin said...

As you know I am still anti green food.

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