That's what my son said today, after I prompted him to say good-bye to a boy from Ironflower's class. The kids like to run around a bit after being picked up from preschool, because apparently freezing temperatures, a biting wind and snow on the ground are not half as important as playing with their classmates for an extra few minutes. Today I'd seen Lovebug argue with the boy, a nice kid from Ironflower's class. As it didn't get physical and no one came to me about it, I figured all was well.
Until, as we walked to our car with the boy and his mom, my son said, "Good-bye, you bitch." The look of shock on her face combined with the shock I felt made me giggle. I covered my mouth. I made him apologize. I repeated, "We don't call people that" like a mantra.
But of course, we do call people that. Not me, actually - my favorite word, as I've mentioned, is "shit." But my husband and possibly my brother-in-law prefer the term "bitch". We just spent 10 days at my in-laws, a number of them snowed in. Add in the 3 days driving there and the 3 days driving home and well, we've had a lot of togetherness lately. (Yes, you read that correctly. Three days in the car back to the farm outside of Kansas City, 9 days in a house with no internet, and three days home. And we're all more or less intact.)
None of which excuses the fact that we've been swearing in front of the children again. Well, in front of Lovebug. Ironflower doesn't seem to notice most of what we say (even when it's directed at her), but Lovebug is like a little sponge. A sponge that called a bigger boy a bitch in front of his mother.
I personally don't care much about swearing, which is good since that would make me a total hypocrite. But name-calling really disturbs me. Maybe it's because I can still remember being called names - that still echo in my head - as a child, but don't even notice most swear words anymore. The only reason I haven't hijacked all of Lovebug's Thomas trains is that I don't think he knew that he was name-calling.
But he'd better remember next time.