
My Secret Shame

Levi Johnston.

Deflowerer of a former governor's daughter. Teenage father. Hunter.

That's about all I know about Levi, despite having read several lengthy interviews with him. Oh, and he's going to be appearing in Playgirl soon (did you know that magazine was still being published online? I didn't). I really want to see that Playgirl. Because I think he's hot.

Sure, he pretty much stands for everything I hate - fame for nothing, ignorance, Palin Republicans - and sure, he seems pretty dumb (I've  read the interviews, remember). And yes, I think he's somewhere around half my age (which I find icky, even if most men don't). But it doesn't matter. I still want to see the Playgirl.

He's not on my list because, well, it's embarrassing. Plus, the list is not just about hot. It's about like. And I do NOT like Levi Johnston. I just want to see him in his underwear.

Is that really weird? Do you have anyone you're ashamed to find attractive?

1 comment:

Texasholly said...

Ha!  Hotness crosses party lines.