
F*ck You, Rush Limbaugh

And you, Bill O'Reilly. And you, Sean Hannity. And most especially you, Glenn Beck. And every news producer who has replayed anything those you idiots have said, which I'm pretty sure covers every media outlet.

Because there's a difference between disagreement and disgusting behavior, and you all have crossed it. And I happen to know that Bill, at least, is playing a role and doesn't believe everything he spouts (or lets his viewers spout). But this playing to the lunatic fringes makes me nauseous.

If the birther movement wasn't bad enough (like that wouldn't have been checked by all the McCain and Clinton resources already? Seriously?), now we've got people comparing Obama to Hitler. If it's not his "socialized" medicine (I guess then the UK, Canada and Ireland are all socialist countries, maybe we should stop asking them to assist us in our wars), then it's the fact that schoolchildren sang a song about him. Because it was okay when schoolchildren sang songs about Bush (Jon Stewart showed a lovely song thanking Bush and FEMA for all their help, sung by young Katrina victims, for example), but when people do it for Obama it means he wants to be Hitler? And the schoolchildren are being indoctrinated? Like public school isn't one long series of indoctrinations?

I mean, I really don't care if they hate Obama. I certainly had a strong aversion to Bush. But. . . .I didn't go around comparing him to Hitler. Because you know what? He wasn't trying to exterminate everyone he deemed undesirable (at least not directly) and he didn't try to take over Europe. Totally not like Hitler.

And neither is Obama. There's no extermination, no take over the world plans and no dissolution of Congress.  Nor is he a socialist, if you actually understand the definition of the word. But I guess the viewers love those phrases, whether they're actually true or not. So the talking heads keep using them, spinning the idiots of this country up until they all think that our president is a too-smart Kenyan who wants to be Hitler or Mussolini.  Meanwhile, proud Republicans like Tom DeLay go on Dancing With the Stars, where they can really make a difference.

But, honestly, would a smart person actually want to be Hitler? He committed suicide. And Mussolini was executed. Demagogues don't usually walk gently into a luxurious old age. Of course, Rush, Bill, Sean and Glenn know that (I think). They probably know that comparing Obama to Hitler is incendiary and ridiculous. They just don't care. It's not about debating about what's best for our country anymore, it's about naming calling and who's "winning" by getting the most viewers and votes for their favorites.

It's not like they really care.


WordVixen said...

I have so got to start paying more attention when I read. I thought you said "our president is a too smart Kanye"... I was trying to figure out how Obama possibly relates to Kanye West! *lol* Aside from the jack*ss comment. ;-)

greg said...

You nailed it jen with your typical humor, passion and common sense. one of my favorite posts of yours ever.