
So, What Do You Think?

Seriously, I don't know what I'm doing here. At all. But I've missed blogging while I've been writing boring web content (actual article topic: What should I do with clothes that won't get clean in the washer). So I've decided to take it a bit more seriously. Which seemed like a good idea when I decided to get my own domain and all.

But I've been working on this all day (when not attending preschool parent meetings, reading Green Eggs and Ham and changing diapers) and now I'm a little nervous. Things are much more complicated than I'd expected.

Somehow I thought all this time on the computer would have turned me into someone who understands all this crap. But no, acting like a computer geek (eating junk food, spending too much time online) has not magically turned me into one.


PS: I'm trying to update and organize my links. Email me at jen@jerseygirl89.com if you want to be added or you have a cause you want me to link to.


WordVixen said...

I know exactly what you mean! I'm absolutely hopeless as any form of coding and it took me days to figure out how to install wordpress (I have hostgator, it's literally a one click install via Fantastico, but you think I could find that information anywhere? Noooo.).  That's why I use the Mandigo theme, because it's so easy to edit and they give you detailed instructions for anything that isn't a simple menu choice.Have to admit though, I'm loving the bright color blocks on this theme!

Jen of a2eatwrite said...

I've thought about switching too, but haven't gotten there yet.  The new place looks great, though!

silken said...

hey, it looks good! I could not get my blog going myself. I enlisted help from another blogger who helped walk me through all the steps! (he was Sire back at Writing Up)good luck w/ your new blog! I know it will be anything but boring web content! :)

Mrs Soup said...

Very nicely done!  I'm hoping to finish my personal portfolio website here soon and be able to transfer my blog over soon as well!  I'm excited!If you have any questions, I'm fairly computer geeky.  Feel free to shoot me an email!  Just let me know!