
Don't Worry Hugh, I've Got Permission

Recently I've heard people say things like, "Don't tell my husband that I just want to see that movie because Hugh Jackman's in it," and "My wife thinks I just agree to see chick flicks because of her, she doesn't know about my crush on Rachel McAdams."

And I shake my head.

Hot Guy and I don't have secret crushes, we have permission lists.

Like, if I ever get a chance to be naked with Hugh Jackman, I have permission to go for it. Likewise Jon Stewart (okay, mostly I just want him to talk to me, but I'll be naked if that's what it'll take for him to talk to me.). And if I get to do Ben Affleck or Matt Damon, Hot Guy will be really happy for me, as long as I tell him the details. Really.

He has my permission for Drew Barrymore and Sandra Bullock, plus some others I can't remember. But not Christina Ricci. He thinks she's on his list, but she's not. I think she's weird. She seems like she'd go all stalker or something.

Anyway, I suppose my point is that Hot Guy and I discuss our crushes openly. Possibly even eagerly. And even though I'm the chubbiest I've ever been and am pushing 40, I am never threatened by his crushes. Why would I be? The vows talk about forsaking all others, not forsaking all sexual fantasies.

When I was in high school, there was this boy I really, really liked. Surprisingly, we actually started dating. All was fine until he was in a play with this girl that he had a crush on. No, he didn't dump me. In fact, he was a perfectly attentive boyfriend. It was just that I could tell that he had a crush on this girl, not that she was interested. But it bothered me so much that I dumped him.

I spent the next year and a half regretting it. 18 months of wasting being a cute little thing because I was hung up on a guy who was never going to trust me again. Genius, I tell you. Though  it sure got me over being jealous about somebody's crushes.

But I'm starting to wonder if Hot Guy and I are in the minority. Do you hide your crushes from your spouse? Or do you have a list?


Lisa B. said...

We TOTALLY have lists.  Not laminated like on Friends, just in case ;)  But yeah, and Gerard Butler is regularly referred to in my house as "my boyfriend" even by my husband.  It's been difficult this year, because "my boyfriend" has been very busy with a new movie coming out every few weeks!  (I own all of them on DVD so this will also be an expensive year, unless I decide to stop that nonsense.)  I even try to add to his list sometimes!  It helps give me an idea of who he likes (and doesn't) and sometimes even why :)

Mamasang said...

Oh crap...i've been missing out.  I've got to get a list!

Lottifish said...

We have lists too.  I don't really get jealous about stuff like that because really?  It's permission to screw around with them, not live with them forever.  I only get jealous about the everyday girls that work with him and flirt...that really bothers me.  But famous people he wants to sleep with?  Sure, go ahead, but tell me all about it!

Lisa B. said...

The Eric Bana thing is, uh, new.  And he is quite naked in parts of TTW, which was lovely :)  Then again, I thing Rachel McAdams helped hubby along.  It helps that I can tell hubster that the reason I like Eric Bana is because his name is Eric B.  Hasn't worked as well as I'd thought so far! LOL

Lisa B. said...

We TOTALLY have lists.  Not laminated like on Friends, just in case ;)  But yeah, and Gerard Butler is regularly referred to in my house as "my boyfriend" even by my husband.  It's been difficult this year, because "my boyfriend" has been very busy with a new movie coming out every few weeks!  (I own all of them on DVD so this will also be an expensive year, unless I decide to stop that nonsense.)  I even try to add to his list sometimes!  It helps give me an idea of who he likes (and doesn't) and sometimes even why :)

Mamasang said...

Oh crap...i've been missing out.  I've got to get a list!