
The Retard List

I hate retarded people.

Not people with Down's Syndrome or other medically tested mental issues, I like them just fine. In fact, it could be said that I like them more than most so-called normal people, because most of them work hard to learn as much as they can.

The same cannot be said for the normal brained masses. Hence my use of the derogatory term, "retarded" (please don't come back and haunt me, Eunice Shriver. I didn't mean it that way, and you were scary enough in real life). Call them the intellectually lazy, the undereducated or the people who NEED A FUCKING CLUE. I don't care. I'll be calling them "retarded".

And who are these people?

People who don't understand that plural words don't need apostrophes.

People who say that Sarah Palin is not a quitter.

People who do not give their children rules and boundaries.

People who have appeared on Bridezillas.

People who give their kids names that are really nouns, like Lexus or Princess.

People named Jon Gosselin.

People who can't name their Senators but still bitch about politicians.

People who leave comments on here that say, "Nice post, thanks. Try my new hand sanitizer product." (Dude, at least read the so not nice post before your blatant advertising. Sheesh.)

People who can't pronounce the word "specific".

People who want to ban books.

People who find sex scarier than war.

People who cannot tell the difference between "your" and "you're".

People who think women shouldn't breastfeed in public.

People who fight against gay marriage.

People who wear Crocs to any restaurant nicer than McDonald's.

People who wear Uggs when it is not below freezing.

People who can't tell the difference between "are" and "our".

People who think Paula Abdul is not on drugs.

People who don't let their kids read Harry Potter.

People who write to eHow for advice like, "How many credits after a law degree does it take to get a Bachelor's?" and "How many credits do I need to graduate?"

Let me state that except for the eHow idiots, I have personally known all the people on the retard list. I may even be related to, or friends with, some of them. Hell, I may even love them. But that doesn't mean that I don't think they're retarded.

Who do you think is retarded?


Suzy Voices said...

People who say "supposebly" or "supposevly"

Melissa said...

People who abuse the defenseless in any kind of way. We realize you're bigger than them and you can hurt them. Does that make it okay? No way in Hell!

VirtualSprite said...

People who think that adding, "No offense," to offensive comments will remove the sting of their hateful words. If you want to offend me, please do. Don't try to "nice" it up.

I haven't been here in a while... I'm glad I stopped back!

takingchargemom said...

How true! I especially hate people who think women shouldn't breastfeed in public. My Little Man thinks it's play time whenever I cover him with my huge breastfeeding smoc. He laughs and giggles and doesn't eat! I'd love to be able to just whip out a boob and feed him.

jerseygirl89 said...

Virtual Sprite - Welcome back. And I agree with you on the "no offense" thing.

Elizabeth - Excellent list additions.

marybt said...

Apparently, I'm retarded since I meet several of your descriptions. I do, however, know that a name is a noun. A formal noun to be exact. If I'm not mistaken. Although that's entirely possible since I am retarded.

Inna said...

Opps, and people who accidentally write in typos are not so cool either. Should read question, not questions above.

mike said...

People who say "orientate".

People who take the bible literally, as if it arrived by facsimile, but only the verses that support their already-formed opinions (read as: the opinions their pastors gave them so that they don't have to do any critical thinking of their own)

mike said...

People who say "orientate".

People who take the bible literally, as if it arrived by facsimile, but only the verses that support their already-formed opinions (read as: the opinions their pastors gave them so that they don't have to do any critical thinking of their own)