
I Never Should Have Turned On the TV

Let's take a moment to think about the Fresh Beat Band, formerly known as The Jumparounds.

Done yet?

Unless you have very young children, you probably have no idea who I'm talking about. Lucky you.

The Fresh Beat Band has a show on Nickelodeon. I've never seen it, I've only been subjected to their music videos, which are played all the time on Noggin. They are annoyingly catchy, like Roxette. But for preschoolers.

Anyway, I looked them up this morning. Not because I want to buy an album - I swear - but because one of them looks vaguely familiar. It turns out that I don't know her, but in my explorations I did discover something odd.

Oh my God, so much explanation for something and it's not that big of a deal. Sorry.

There are a lot of parents out there with very passionate feelings about the Fresh Beat Band. And they all have way too much time on their hands. I mean, I know people argue on message boards instead of just writing their own blogs (though I don't know why since here I can just delete anyone who disagrees with me), but a children's band? Really? Shouldn't parents have better things to argue about, like the introduction of solid food?

What is wrong with people? No wonder W. was president for 8 years and no one understands the politics of the recession and health care reform. . .they're all busy fighting about whether the Fresh Beat Band members are "too pretty" (Is everyone on Noggin supposed to be as freakish looking the humans on Lazytown?).

And I'd like to know how the hell they have time for this. As a parent who spends a LOT of time on the computer (er, I work on here. It's not all Facebook.) and doesn't even have time to look at message boards, I wonder if all of these people have maids and nannies? I somehow doubt it.

Or maybe they care so much about what's on Noggin because all their children do is watch it?

PS To the person who said that they "Have" to lip sync because they're also dancing. . . go see a Broadway show. Or a high school show, for that matter. They can dance and sing at the same time. It's called talent.

PPS To the people complaining that the videos are just advertising. . . .the whole damn network is advertising. You think they're being noble by not having traditional commercials? No, they're selling your kids all the characters so that you wind up buying Dora dolls, Diego toothbrushes, Max and Ruby books. .. .uh, not that I've been that naive. No way.


Travis Erwin said...

I'm happy to say my boys now think they are too old for such.

Chasity Glazer said...

Oh g-d Jen! I could have written this myself.

Elizabeth said...

OH! Rememeber when people used to pick apart Disney movies saying they were adding sexual innuendos?! They have to be the same people OR offspring of those people. The problem is their family trees don't have any branches.

Lisa said...

I LOVE this post - LOL

Adri said...

I tripped upon your blog and couldn't help myself from guiltily reading a few of the entries. Guiltily because I'm supposed to be doing something else... You're a very entertaining writer! If only the Fresh Beat Band didn't have songs that stuck in my head. I miss the days when I used to sing songs on the the Top 40 - not on Kids Bop.

takingchargemom said...

Hilarious post! I'm a new mom, so here's hoping the Fresh Best Band gets uglier by the time my little guy watches. That way I can avoid the controversy all together. :)

Keli Cook said...

Well said!

designonpost said...

My daughter is addicted and I have no issues with it.

jen said...

hilarious!! i can't figure out who the red head is for the life of me... but ive seen her somewhere. maybe ill figure it out on the message boards... teehee.

Jessica said...

I think I ran across some of those same comments when I was trying to figure out why they changed the name from The Jumparaounds to The Fresh Beat Band. I remember seeing comments that the girls were too pretty, the black guy acted too white, and that the white guy was so terrible at life that he must be a network executive's son. Yo Gabba Gabba makes people crazy, too. (The writers must be on drugs! What's with the white monster that cries all the time?)

I wonder if people would have fought over Sesame Street like this if message boards had existed in the '70s.

Bill Bartmann said...

Excellent site, keep up the good work

Keli Cook said...

Well said!