
Oops, I've Failed It Again

So Ironflower is taking a dance class this year. Yesterday was parent observation day, which I forgot about completely. Forgetting meant that I brought the baby with me, even though the rules said "No Siblings". If this had been the only issue, I would not be blogging about it - I'm so used to forgetting things these days.

But because it was observation day, there was another bit of humiliation. You see, I have these clogs. I love them, but I can only wear trouser socks with them. And my trouser socks keep getting holes in them. But because my clothing needs are low on my priority list, I keep wearing said socks. Or sometimes I pair two socks that don't exactly match to maximize their lack of holes. Yesterday I happened to be wearing such a pair because I assumed no one would see them. One sock was black and one sock was navy. And the black one had developed a hole by the time of dance class. . . where I had to remove my clogs to enter the studio.

So in I walked with my mismatched holey socks and my uninvited baby, trying to hold my head up and slide the hole to the bottom of my sock. And take pictures of hyper Ironflower. Finally the class started and I sat down so as to hide my socks. I even managed to quiet the baby. I was started to feel better about myself when one of the school's owners walked in. And headed straight for me.

Apparently I am the only parent who has not purchased recital tickets yet.

They went on sale on Saturday.

I saw all the moms - who are all normally quite sweet - look at me oddly as I promised that I would purchase tickets ASAP.

The recital, by the way, is in May.

I can't believe I'm THAT mom, with the holey socks and bad hair. With the slacking on buying tickets. With the forgetting about observation day. I wonder how long before my issues scar my children?


silken said...

the thing I love about you and your posts is that your a REAL mom and you don't mind letting everyone know that. I think THEY are all the ones w/ hang ups!

Dory said...

Eh, shit happens. Screw 'em. We love you! That's the important things, right?!

Canaan said...

I am that mom almost everyday. I believe it the reason my 15 y/o son can tell his friends that while I am the most embarassing parent, I am also the coolest because I own the embarassiness that is me. ( I know, horrible english, that happened after children, too.)

jerseygirl89 said...

Silken - You are SO sweet.

Dory - Absolutely! I loves my internets too.

Ashlie - You're right. Someday this can be a funny family story. I hope.

Canaan - But I totally think embarrassiness should be a word! I love it.

Dory said...

Eh, shit happens. Screw 'em. We love you! That's the important things, right?!

Canaan said...

I am that mom almost everyday. I believe it the reason my 15 y/o son can tell his friends that while I am the most embarassing parent, I am also the coolest because I own the embarassiness that is me. ( I know, horrible english, that happened after children, too.)