
Yet More Suckage (Drainage?) From The Wound

Oh no, it's not enough that I had to be in the hospital, have another surgery and spend hours of my life cleaning out a huge wound. It's not even enough that the stitches my doctor kindly put in yesterday to speed the healing hurt like a motherfucker. Nope.

I've apparently warped my daughter into the bargain.

Today at lunch Ironflower mentioned that she would never get married. Not that I'm in any rush for four year old to elope, but I was a little concerned that she was writing the whole process off at such a young age. I asked her why. She told me that it hurts. I was confused, until Hot Guy was able to explain.

She's told him that she doesn't want to have babies and "hurt like Mommy."

I feel like such an asshole. A whiny, cranky, horrible asshole. Clearly I've complained too much. I've warped my kid. She's going to wind up in therapy and it really will be all my fault.

How do I fix this?

And I really have to fix this, because Ironflower has enough issues on her own. Last night she was very curious about whether you go to the bathroom after you die.


Karly said...

Oh, don't blame yourself for that! She would have known you were in pain whether you complained or not! Besides, it DOES hurt. Having babies SUCKS. Tell her that. And then tell her that it's worth it. :)

April said...

I agree with the ones above. She would have picked up on it. She also is very young and this too shall pass. I said I didn't want kids at 14 because of a situation close to yours but here I am with 3 little ones. On purpose.

Leslie said...

Oh, you're being too hard on yourself! You haven't warped her. You can't hide pain like that. Kids know.

I hope you're feeling better soon. What an ordeal!

Judy Haley said...

you can't pull anything over on kids, they figure it out eventually. she'll be fine. kids tend to be all-or-nothing in their thought processes anyways, considering grey areas and maybes comes later

April said...

I agree with the ones above. She would have picked up on it. She also is very young and this too shall pass. I said I didn't want kids at 14 because of a situation close to yours but here I am with 3 little ones. On purpose.