
Why You Should Watch Friday Night Lights

I've mentioned my love for this show before. It's FINALLY back on regular TV, after a fall on DirecTV only. I stayed up late last night just to watch it with Hot Guy - it's one of the few shows we both like.

Anyway, one scene showed the coach's wife Tami coming home from a LONG day at work. He's slumped in a chair watching TV as she goes on and on about her day. He says she'll be able to handle everything and how great she is and she responds with:

"You just want to get laid."

Who has NOT had that conversation? Who has never felt like your husband (or wife, for that matter) is just humoring you in hopes of getting laid that night?

Sometimes I forget that the people on Friday Night Lights are not actual people, that's how well-written and well-acted it is.


feener said...

i adore friday night lights. i love it. we need to get more folks to watch it so it doesn't go off the air.....

Leslie said...

Yeah, I've had that conversation...a lot.

lovingdanger said...

Seriously I LOVE LOVE LOVE Friday Night Lights.
The hubs and I had been anxiously awaiting it's return to good old fashion television.

Not only is it well scripted and acted but the cinematography is top notch as well