
Stream of Semi-Consciousness

Ironflower threw up at school this morning. (Yes, she had school. Long story.) Anyway, I feel SO guilty. She said her tummy was upset, but I attributed it to her usual morning complaining (we are not a morning family) and her runny nose. Hot Guy took her to school, but he forgot her bag. And I forgot to remind him, because it's not like she really NEEDS the bag, right? She's never touched the spare outfit.

So not only did the poor kid puke, she had to wear too big borrowed clothes while Hot Guy went to pick her up.

Once again, we are totally the white trash family at the preschool. Feeling sorry for Ironflower led Hot Guy to stop by the movie store while getting stuff for dinner. (The way we're going, we should probably just give up and let them watch Nascar and wrestling and horror movies every night during dinner. But I digress.) And even though we normally eat dinner while watching a kid's movie only on a Friday night, we're doing it now. And we're watching Barbie and the Diamond Castle.

I'm actually kind of liking these Barbie movies. They have surprisingly good messages and music. Even Lovebug likes the music.

But, well, I'm liking this one for another reason. As it started, Hot Guy mentioned that the guitar playing friends reminded him of the Indigo Girls. Suddenly we started (in code the kids couldn't understand, of course) pointing out all the ways that Barbie and the Diamond Castle could, in fact, be a nice lesbian love story. Begcause whenever we talk in code around the children we totally regress, this has been amusing us greatly.

Try to keep that in mind if you're ever forced to watch the movie.Because it TOTALLY works.

And if you want a real lesbian love story, watch the movie Go Fish.


lesfriendly said...

we were totally playing lesbo barbie when i was young. i used 2 barbies as a married couple inside my barbie house and it was whole lot of fun ;)

Leslie said...

I have to tell you, I actually love Barbie and the Diamond Castle. I like the Indigo Girls, too. Coincidence? Maybe not. :)

jerseygirl89 said...

Les - My Barbies had affairs like they did on the soaps.

jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie, that's makes me think. . . We need Indigo Barbie!

lesfriendly said...

we were totally playing lesbo barbie when i was young. i used 2 barbies as a married couple inside my barbie house and it was whole lot of fun ;)