
The Other Woman

Hot Guy is willing to do whatever she says. Without arguing, or even grumbles. In fact, if I contradict her, he grumbles at ME.

She's skinny, too.

And she's easily annoyed.

Whenever Hot Guy listens to my directions, she snottily says, "ReCALculating." Like we've pissed her off.

She's Hot Guy's favorite Christmas present, the Garmin Nuvi GPS. As if I'd let some other woman tell him what to do. As if he even listens to me, except maybe where directions are concerned.

I grew up around here. Which makes me smarter than Garmin Girl, who actually thinks getting on the highway is the answer to everything. I want to tell her, "This is Jersey, bitch. You're taking your life in your hands every time you get on the highway. Stop telling us to get on the damn highway when we can use back roads and get there just as fast."

I may have a problem with authority.

I may also have inherited my father's penchant for using the most scenic/least trafficked/strangest way to go anywhere.

And did I mention that I grew up around here?

So I have a hard time listening to the Garmin Girl. In fact, when I'm driving she's not allowed to talk. Though I am secretly entertained each time she says, "ReCALculating." I swear she sounds pissed, like we're inconveniencing her in some way. I like to see how long it takes her to figure out the way I'm taking us.

Am I weird?


Mama DB said...

Oh, I'm laughing. I'm so directionally challenged, we've had GPS in the car since the darned thing was invented. I've turned off the volume. Permanently. We refer to her as "The Crazy Broad in the dash"

Mike said...

LMAO - I loved this post! And no, you are not weird.

FaithChick said...

Oh I feel your pain. What is it with guys and their Garmins? I swear my husband would sleep with his if I would let him. I personally don't like other people telling me what to do. One time the stupid thing tried to take up through a building. He drove around like three times before he would admit that it was wrong. I would love to throw the thing out the window and run it over.

Mama DB said...

Oh, I'm laughing. I'm so directionally challenged, we've had GPS in the car since the darned thing was invented. I've turned off the volume. Permanently. We refer to her as "The Crazy Broad in the dash"