
Lucky F**kin' Ducks

Ironflower got a belated birthday present. I'm sure the gift was given in good faith. I'm fairly sure this person's child did not receive the same gift for his birthday and that this person didn't take one look at it and decide to regift it. But even if she did, I totally understand why.

Ironflower received a game called "Lucky Ducks". It requires batteries. Unfortunately, we actually had the batteries. So Ironflower has been playing the game since yesterday. Lovebug and I have even played with her. The game is simple enough that she can play by herself or with her brother (without fighting). It's a bit educational. But what it mostly is, is loud. The ducks quack throughout the ENTIRE game.

Which means that while Ironflower entertains herself for an hour - which is fantastic - the ducks quack for that entire hour. Which is not fantastic. In fact, it's so annoying that I'm kinda hoping that the game breaks. Normally I can ignore - some would say all too easily - the noises my children and their toys make. But the mechanic quacking is DRIVING ME INSANE. And it's not just me.

This afternoon Lovebug got up and ran away during a Lucky Ducks game. The conversation that ensued was illuminating:

Ironflower: Where are you going? The game's not over.

And ChunkyMonkey, who normally sleeps peacefully during the screams, shouts and thuds of his siblings, woke up when the Lucky Ducks game came on.

I'm telling you, these quacks are possibly the most annoying sound on the planet.How wrong would it be if the game disappeared suddenly? Or ran out of batteries?

And what the hell should I write in the thank-you note?


silken said...

oh my! my kids had that same game around ten or more years ago! you'd think they would not be making that game anymore! it is LOUD, and that's an understatement! good luck! as for the thank you note, how about a video (including sound!!) of your kids playing it! ;)

DeeAnne said...

That is too funny! My kid's had that game also. Thankfully it is long gone. They also had the Fisher Price corn popper that you push around. It was constantly disappearing and I would find it hidden in the top of the coat closet (my husband hated it).

La La said...

HAHA! My brother and I have boys that are about 2 months apart in age. When they were little, my brother and I would have a contest to see who could get the others child the more obnoxious toy. I won and the game ended after many years right after my nephew received a small sized drum set, with a large sized sound from his wonderfully thoughtful auntie. 20 years later that still makes me proud. :-)

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

The correct answer (have had that same issue) is something along the lines of how fun it is and you'll be buying one for that person's birthday.

jerseygirl89 said...

Silken - You'd think parents would have burned the factory down by now! Love the thank you idea.

DeeAnne - Our popper has moved to the basement.

LaLa - That is a great contest. . .for the kids, anyway. :)

AFF - You are a genius.

Leslie said...

Dear Gift Giver,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift. Ironflower loves her Lucky Duck game. She can't wait to bring it along the next time we visit to play it with you!

(Then, do that. Take it when you see them, let her play with it, then accidentally forget it on purpose.)