
I Tried To Express My Positive Emotions But The TV Distracted Me

I haven't watched an inauguration since Clinton's first. I was so happy and hopeful that day. But that's nothing compared to how I feel today. Not simply because while I complained about the Republican presidencies of Reagan and Bush I, those complaints practically disappear when compared with my issues with this past administration.

I liked Clinton. I didn't like Bush. But I never believed in either one of them. I never thought they were good men.

I believe in Barack Obama. I believe his is a good man as well as a brilliant one. I feel safe knowing he is president in a way that I've never felt before. I would like to bask in my happiness.

But I can't do that and watch the news today.

Obama and Bush have handled this transition with class and sense. They handled the inauguration with class. But the talking heads - because it's easier to comment on a lovely ceremony than to research and report on other news - are looking for conflict wherever they can find it. Now they've moved onto observing Gore and McCain at the luncheon, speculating on what they're talking about. Hey, news professionals, they're probably talking about how glad they are to finally be inside.

I think we need to be worrying less about the media having a liberal or conservative bias and worry more about how they have a stupidity bias. There are wars and conflicts going on all over the globe. It's now come out that we tortured prisoners. We're still in a financial and real estate mess - one that could always be explained better. The Steelers are going to be in the SuperBowl. So there's PLENTY of serious news that they could be talking about. And instead CNN is telling me about what they're eating at the luncheon and wondering what Senator Corbyn and Senator Clinton were talking about.

I read People magazine for gossip and info about luncheons. Or I watch E!. Doesn't CNN have anything better to do?


jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie, I wish I had seen that documentary!

jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie, I wish I had seen that documentary!