
Honest Scrap Award

So the fantastic Silken at Madameblogalot has tagged me with the Honest Scrap Award. I am to share 10 honest things about myself that most people don't know. Which has presented quite a challenge, because most things you all don't know are things that NO ONE needs to know. So if you already knew some of these, I apologize.

1. I have a near pathological fear of dentists.

2. Animal House is one of my favorite movies.

3. I believe that no bands will ever measure up to Led Zeppelin or U2.

4. I've lived in Boston, Portland, OR, Seattle and Kansas City as well as Jersey.

(Wow. I am clearly not good at this.)

5. I don't like reading poetry.

6. I have a HUGE CRUSH on Kevin Smith. Despite the poorly titled and pathetically acted "Jersey Girl" movie.

(Is that better?)

7. I am both saddened and relieved that ChunkyMonkey is my last baby.

8. I would rather have a day at the bookstore than at the spa.

9. I have never had Jaegermeister and not thrown up.

10. I cannot stand being touched while I'm sleeping, but I have no problem falling asleep on Hot Guy.

Now I am supposed to tag some other people. Because I love so many other bloggers, I just picked a few at random - who just happen to be wonderfully honest:

Matter of Fact Mommy

Dory at Can't Remember Diddly

My cousin at Off Da Chain

But if you'd like to join in, consider yourself awarded.


texasholly @ June Cleaver Nirvana said...

I have that anti-touching sleeping disease too.

matteroffactmommy said...

GAH! thanks, jersey... will do! and i thoroughly enjoyed reading yours! and btw, i have never had tequila and not thrown up.

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

I like Animal House, too.

Leslie said...

I've been here for the past hour reading and catching up on your blog. Wow, I've missed you! I hope your wound is better.

Oh, and my puke-inducing alcoholic beverage is ouzo.

silken said...

thanks for playing along jersey girl!

WordVixen said...

Thank goodness I'm not the only one with a crush on Kevin Smith!

texasholly @ June Cleaver Nirv said...

I have that anti-touching sleeping disease too.

WordVixen said...

Thank goodness I'm not the only one with a crush on Kevin Smith!