
Even I Have Some Standards

Oh VH1, why have you done this to me?

At first, I was just slightly embarrassed to watch you. Back then, it was because your videos were skewed toward an older demographic and I was ashamed that I liked the "old" videos. (For those of you under 30, there was a time when MTV and VH1 played actual music videos. Weird, huh?)

Then came slightly more embarrassment as I spent more time on VH1, not watching great fare like Pop-Up Video (Why isn't it on anymore? Why?) but trash like Rock of Love. And Celebrity Rehab (I tried to convince Hot Guy that Celebrity Rehab has a redeeming social value. Too bad he pointed out that I hadn't even convinced myself. Oh well). And I have a crush on Confessions of a Teen Idol.

But I'm drawing the line. Right here. Right now.

I am NOT going to watch TOOL ACADEMY.

Let me just repeat that: TOOL ACADEMY. And Bret Michaels isn't even on it.

Essentially, nine douchebags (aka the Tools) are supposed to become nice guys. Their girlfriends are along for the ride, but they might dump the guys if they get expelled.


I'm pretty sure that any guy who deserves to be nominated for Tool Academy also deserves to be dumped. Maybe they should call it "So-Desperate-For-A-Boyfriend-They'll-Put-Up-With-Anything Academy"? Or (and I really hope this is the case) "Couples-That-Want-To-Be-On-TV Academy"?

I watched a few minutes of it. I pray that this show is simply employing out of work Shakespearean actors to portray these Tools and their women (Toolettes?) and that these are not, in fact, actual human beings.


Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

I love Pop-Up Video. And, how odd is it that we both mentioned when MTV played videos in recent posts?

Lisa said...

I totally miss PopUp video. As far as I am concerned the fancy-schmancy cable package we have now has been worth every penny for allowing me to catch another few episodes of it one evening a few months back!! I also miss all of the good Behind the Music episodes... although it wasn't always new info, I liked it (at least the first half of the show). AND I am only admitting this online, but I too caught an episode of Teen Idol and got so wrapped up in it that the laundry in my lap at the time went unfolded until the next show came on.

Leslie said...

I loooove VH1. I love Confessions of a Teen Idol. And Celebrity Rehab. But yeah, Tool Academy. Come on!

Prefers Her Fantasy Life said...

I think I would watch MTV/VH1 except that my kids would watch too, and they already have their fill of sex and drugs from Degrassi.

Reiza said...

That's just nuts. Celebrity Fit Club was okay, but everything that has come since is awful. WTF are they thinking?

I'm with Lisa up there. I miss PopUp Video. Why do they waste their time with this crap when they could bring back PopUp Video?

Interestingly, my dh (a writer) saw the other day for writers of a reality show. Hmm...

Lon Rizowski said...

Since I rarely am in relationships, I think Tool Academy is a great study of what I could be in for and what couples go through day to day. I think getting in them more and more so I think I can learn from this extreme example of couplehood.

Reiza said...

That's just nuts. Celebrity Fit Club was okay, but everything that has come since is awful. WTF are they thinking?

I'm with Lisa up there. I miss PopUp Video. Why do they waste their time with this crap when they could bring back PopUp Video?

Interestingly, my dh (a writer) saw the other day for writers of a reality show. Hmm...