
Probably TMI

I had a nice chat with ChunkyMonkey last night (honestly, is there anyone better to talk to than a small baby? No arguments and you can pretend they agree with everything you say).  I'd like to share it with you.

Me: You know kiddo, it's not that you're not worth every minute of pain and suffering I've endured. You totally are. But the fact that the pain is now continuing and is in fact WORSE, well, I think that means something. Like possibly you'll discover the cure for cancer? Or at least work for Doctors Without Borders?

CM: Ahhhhhhh.

Me: Okay, glad we sorted that out. Also, if you could work on sleeping for longer periods, that would be great. Because I am freaking WORN OUT, honey. This whole lump turning out to be an infected abscess? The PAIN? The GROSS DRAINING? THE FACT THAT IT IS GOING TO BE OPEN FOR A WHILE? Not only disgusting but exhausting.

CM: uuuuuuuuuuut.

Me: You know, I wish someone - like maybe Dr.Bitch when she checked my scar three weeks ago? Or a nurse? Or the literature? - had told me that a lump could be bad news. But everything said "fever" or "drainage" and I didn't have a fever until this weekend - and it was so low they said it didn't really matter -  nor did I have any drainage until the Doc yesterday started draining the lump that I honestly didn't think I could have an infection. But I do. And it's nasty and painful and I'm pretty pissed off. Especially since Dr. Bitch said last week that I "couldn't" have an infection. Can I sue her?

CM: Ahhhhh.

Me: No, seriously. Or maybe I could sue everybody for not noticing the lump? I mean, even THREE Tylenol don't help the pain and I actually hurt more today. I pop Percocet so I can sleep and I'm not holding you as much because it hurts more. I've been a psychotically crabby bitch to the rest of the family and I've hardly even apologized because I've never been in this kind of pain for more than a day. Every time I leave the house or talk on the phone I feel like I am barely holding it together.

CM: Uuuuuuut.

Me: I hope you never feel pain like this. Of course, if you or one of your siblings did I would have fought with the doctor a lot more than I did last week. In fact, I think part of the reason I'm so crabby is that I'm pissed at myself. I should have argued with Dr.Bitch. Not that I wanted anything to be wrong, but I knew there was. I should have listened to my body instead of assuming everyone would follow the same checklist for infections.

CM: Ahhh.

Me: You're right, I should put this info in my blog. I mean, Top Ten Signs You're Pregnant is the most popular post on the site. And God knows I couldn't find anything useful online about this. So here it goes:

If you have a hard lump on your abdomen after a c-section, make the doctors pay attention. And if it hurts? It's already infected. You may not have fever or drainage yet, but you will. Make your doctor help you immediately.


Dory said...

Awwwwwww... I'm sorry you're hurting.

booktoots said...

What a wonderful way to get your point across. Starting with your "baby conversation" and ending in your suggestion to others.

I found your link on my blog, Booktoots. Thanks for visiting! It's great to know that simply blogging can help others out. :)

Best of luck to you!

Marie (aka Booktoots)

Jess said...

Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Recovery is a bitch anyway, but recovery AND a newborn AND crappy decisions by doctors who don't remember what it's like to have a newborn... damn it all! You have earned a margarita (or two or three). Sending positive thoughts your way.

Karly said...

Ah, I hope you feel better soon. Those stupid effing doctors. Seriously. If they would just LISTEN. Gawd.

I hope you start feeling better soon. And I love the comments from Hot Guy. Especially when he refers to himself as Hot Guy. :) LOL

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

Ugh. I had a friend who had that happen. It took weeks to clear up - and I hope you are feeling much better soon.

Becky said...

You poor thing. I'm so sorry it was an infection. Beyuck.

mkate said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I hate when doctors don't listen to me!!!

By the way, I don't think I have officially congratulated you on Chunky Monkey. I have been faithfully reading your blog and sending you positive thoughts. But I haven't actually posted. So sorry about that :)

I would love to actually meet Chunky Monkey-- maybe after the holidays, when things have settled down just a little...

I hope you feel better soon.

Becky said...

You poor thing. I'm so sorry it was an infection. Beyuck.

Dory said...

Awwwwwww... I'm sorry you're hurting.