
Katy Perry, I Don't Like You

So I'm not hip anymore. This is one of those things I've had to accept in recent years, along with the fact that I know more about the shows on Noggin than I do about the shows on MTV. And I have wrinkles. And I can't lose ten pounds by skipping dessert for a few days. And. . . .

Anyway, I get that I'm older. But I didn't think I was all THAT old yet. I made fun of a high school classmate who posted his grumpy old man thoughts on Facebook. At least I'm not grouchy, I thought smugly. And then I saw the commercial for Katy Perry's album.

At first I was all proud of myself for recognizing TWO of the songs on it. I even like one of them (Not the one about kissing girls. It's repetitive. And not the least bit edgy, at least to someone who was fairly wild back in the day). But apparently there's another song on the album called. . . wait for it. . ."ur so gay". I don't even know where to start.

Can using text abbreviations in other areas be outlawed? Plz? (See? Isn't that annoying?)

The song title was purposely not capitalized. Why? I can only hope that someone realized how bad it was and decided it didn't deserve to capitalized like other song titles.

And then. . . .how do you get to be "so" gay? Did Out magazine publish a list of levels that I missed? And how come no one ever says "you're so straight"? I mean, if there are levels of gay, why not levels of straight?

Most important, though, is the fact that this was used as an insult when I was in the fifth grade. Which was over 25 years ago (Good goddess, I am OLD). So the phrase is old AND homophobic. With the poor grammar it's like a trifecta of idiocy.

It's also rather odd coming from a woman whose first single was "I Kissed a Girl".

So call me a crotchety old woman, but that Katy Perry? I don't like her new-fangled music.


Travis Erwin said...

Lol bcuz I 2 am old and confused by the text language in other forms.

Becky said...

Hehehe. I dislike her music because generally, I think it sucks. Mainly because it does.

gerilwalton said...

I agree with the levels of straight. How come there aren't any?

Lisa said...

So far it is the teaching of 8th graders that is both making me old and is also a continual reminder of the march of time... these kids were born the year I graduated high school! :) argh. I watched TRL like it was homework since it debuted the spring I was student teaching and I was an old fart even all the way back then. There's simply no helping me now!! My only chance to be remotely cool this year was to read the Twilight series and I think I missed the boat on that one, sort-of-on-purpose.
By the way, hope you are feeling better every day. (I will come over soon with the items promised.)

Amanda said...

Have you listened to the song? I actually find it quite good... the full line of the song is "you're so gay, and you don't even like boys"...

Mrs. Buck said...

ugh, I HATE when people say that phrase, or use the word gay in any fashion that is demeaning. Its rude and snows a lack of intelligence (by having a lack of functioning vocabulary) in my humble opinion!