
I'm Going To Print It and Bring It With Me

Dear Older Woman at the grocery store,

I'm not sure how old you are, what with all that make-up you had spackled on. Possibly you are in your late 50s, in which case this letter is sincere. Possibly you are 90, in which case skip the letter and enjoy your vitality.

Anyway, you're older than I am. Which means that I should respect you. Though I think being a wounded mother of three with 45 minutes to shop means that you could have shown me some consideration. Instead you foiled me at every turn.

You blocked not one, not two, but THREE aisles I needed to go down. Did you know that it's possible to stand TO THE SIDE to contemplate your purchases and not, as you did, in the middle of every aisle?

You stood in front of the juice for more two minutes. Did you know that it's possible to move when people say, "Excuse me"?

You neglected to put down the divider bar between your groceries and mine. And you waited until I was at the end bagging my groceries, with your cart blocking my reach, to come into my checkout line. So I couldn't put the divider bar up myself. Did you know it stressed the checker out when she had to lift up several items and ask me if they were mine?

In short, you were extremely inconsiderate. And did not appear disabled enough to excuse this. And since I didn't want to be "that screaming lady" at the grocery store (at least, not again), I didn't say anything to you at the time. I decided a letter with an explanation would be more polite than just saying:

"Oh my God, what a rude bitch you are!"



Sara said...

oh my, that totally happened to me at Walmart this past weekend. except the rude lady actually rammed her cart into me. seriously, i wanted to scream at her that it was the weekend after Christmas....show a bit of patience please.

Dory said...

Hahahaha! How funny that this post of yours was right after this post in my reader! LOL Shopping rage!

Maura said...

Are you shopping in the stores I shop? I thought I was taking my life and that of my unborn child's in my hands walking down the aisles and dodging carts yesterday.