
I Am All Kinds Of Wrong

It's wrong to laugh when the women on Real Housewives of Orange County cry, isn't it? I mean, they're people too. Sort of. They have feelings. But whenever one of them cries, I giggle.

And isn't it wrong to believe that I've never, ever started a fight with Hot Guy? I mean, wouldn't that be statistically impossible?

It's quite possibly wrong that I feel joy knowing that all three of my children are sleeping at this minute. The joy is not from the fact that are getting recuperative sleep to help them get better, either.

And it's definitely wrong that this whole c-section infection/gaping wound thing now ITCHES. I mean, it's much better than horrible pain but for the love of God, can't I just feel normal? And if I can't, couldn't they at least have done a tummy tuck while they were in there?

What's wrong with you?


Jen of a2eatwrite said...

Oh, dear... get that wound checked out. I have been having lots of wrongs, too, lately.

I'm wrong for being very angry at my FIL right now after he's lost his wife, but I am.

I'm wrong for wishing it wasn't a snow day and I had the house to myself.

I'm wrong for finding a lot of family dynamics laughable when they should make me cry, instead.

Having that kind of week.

Seriously, though - get the wound checked (which it sounds like you're doing, anyway). The massive itching can be a different infection sign... ugh.

Huge hugs!

Jen of a2eatwrite said...

Oh, dear... get that wound checked out. I have been having lots of wrongs, too, lately.

I'm wrong for being very angry at my FIL right now after he's lost his wife, but I am.

I'm wrong for wishing it wasn't a snow day and I had the house to myself.

I'm wrong for finding a lot of family dynamics laughable when they should make me cry, instead.

Having that kind of week.

Seriously, though - get the wound checked (which it sounds like you're doing, anyway). The massive itching can be a different infection sign... ugh.

Huge hugs!