
Hey Kim, Shut the F*** Up

(Notice my language restraint? Because you never know when Lovebug could start reading)

Kim is not my friend or relative. Kim is Kim Gandy, the president of the National Organization of Women. I joined NOW in college. That's right, I don't just call myself a card-carrying feminist, I actually am one. Or, at least I used to be. Apparently my views are starting to differ from mainstream feminism.

Kim Gandy is all over CNN, claiming that Obama's Cabinet picks don't include enough women. For the record, there are five - the same number as Clinton and Bush's first cabinets. Sure, I'd love it if the Cabinet matched the population with a nice 50-50 split, but the world would have to change a lot before I'd go on CNN to complain about it.

In a world where rape victims are blamed and then stoned to death (even Fox covered it), where a quarter of women in the US are victims of domestic violence at some point in their lifetimes and where Viagra is more likely to be covered by insurance than birth control pills we have more important things to complain about on national television.

I suppose it's possible that she did complain about those things and (typically) this is the only complaint that the media embraced. But even if that's what happened, I still want her to shut up. Shouldn't the president of NOW be more media savvy than I am?


jonolan said...

I somehow doubt it, jerseygirl. There aren't enough women in national politics to give them a good chance of having gained the experience and qualifications to be the best choice for a Cabinet post.

The issue is more fundamental than just who gets the top jobs. :( It's getting better slowly though.

jonolan said...

I somehow doubt it, jerseygirl. There aren't enough women in national politics to give them a good chance of having gained the experience and qualifications to be the best choice for a Cabinet post.

The issue is more fundamental than just who gets the top jobs. :( It's getting better slowly though.