
Expletive Not Deleted

I would like to be able to tell you that I don't swear in front of my children. I would like to be able to tell you that Hot Guy doesn't either. But I would be lying.

I can tell you that we've taught Ironflower to dismiss our swears. She always reminds us that our choice of words isn't nice. And then she brags that kids never say them (I love how naive my daughter is). But Lovebug is another matter.

Months ago he started saying, "Oh shit!" whenever he dropped something. Which was COMPLETELY my fault, since Hot Guy never says that. Months ago we started trying to talk him out of saying it, if for no other reason than I would have been mortified if his teacher had to call me about it. So naturally I too have tried to stop saying, "Oh shit." I tried replacing shit with sugar and shoot like I used to do when I was teaching, but for some reason it didn't take. Instead I found myself using my other favorite exclamation even more often.

And so now I have a two and a half year old who exclaims, "Oh, Cheezits Christ!" whenever something goes wrong. No matter what kind of crisis we're having, I laugh every time he says it. It's less blasphemous than what I actually say and he says it so earnestly ....I haven't even tried to correct him.

It's better than "Oh shit", right?


Asianmommy said...

Oh, how funny! I love the Cheezits part. :)

Karly said...

Yeah, we aren't so great about watching our mouths in front of the kids either. My son used to run around saying "Oh puck!"

Jen of a2eatwrite said...

The Cheezits totally crack me up!

cegrundler said...

Too funny!

When my daughter, now 21, was just starting to form sentences, my husband was working on the boat engine while she sat in the cockpit stacking blocks. Needless to say, as he fought with uncooperative bolts and cramped conditions, a range of foul words drifted up from time to time. Meanwhile, Felicia stacked her blocks as high as she could, but eventually they'd topple over. "Oh, f***." She stacked them again, over they went. "F***!" And so on. I looked at my husband, he looked at me, shrugged, and said "at least she's using it in the right context." We had to explain to her there were certain words she could say at home, but not at school or around Grandma and Grandpa.

Travis Erwin said...

Maybe you can teach him to say MotherFunyun next.

April said...

The part about the cheezits cracked me up!! My son said Dammit

Stacey said...

It's hard to make the disapproving face at someone who says Cheezits Christ.

Jess said...

My first- never curses. She seems to "get" that Mom talks like a sailor & she should not. The second? Repeats things I'm ashamed to even say here. I'm trying to watch it. I am. But Cheezits Christ? That's just too funny. And doesn't help the motivation to clean up the verbiage. :) You never know when those naughty words will provide hysterical laughter, and come on, don't we need that right now?

outsidetheblue said...

Our 4 year old says "Oh Cheeses!", fortunately that's the only thing he's picked up. I can't even blame my husband, who never curses.

simplynotso said...

My nephew's first word was shit thanks to me, he is now 18 and still saying it! My kids hear a lot of bad words but are told that when they have their own house they can say them:) That's fair, right?