
All I Needed Was A Menthol Cigarette Hanging Out Of My Mouth

Is your house a mess right now?

Mine is. Even more than usual.

Which didn't seriously bother me until ten minutes ago. I've been putting away and organizing in bits and pieces all day, but I haven't exactly exerted myself. I did, however, manage to collect huge piles of trash (For the love God, toymakers, please cut down on the packaging!). I placed them by my garage door, which is also right by my front door.

When the doorbell rang, I wasn't expecting anyone. So I didn't hesitate as I trudged to the door in my sweats/bangs pinned back by a bobby pin/no make-up condition because I assumed it was UPS or something. I assumed the person on the other side of the door was a stranger - a stranger who had probably come across people much worse than me and my house.

Instead it was Ironflower and Lovebug's teacher. Of course I HAD to open the door. I apologized profusely for the mess as Hot Guy flew up the stairs from the basement and began hauling the trash into the garage. I tried to be sweet and gracious as she delivered the kids' holiday projects and gifts that we hadn't been able to pick up prior to the holiday break. I fear that I just looked hysterical as I tried to explain away the mess - and the fact that Lovebug came jogging out of his room sans pants - and the fact that Ironflower came out of her room wearing socks with a big hole in them.

Lovebug has a habit of taking off his pants while napping. But the hole in Ironflower's socks appeared today. It's the first time she has EVER worn out a pair of socks. EVER. And did I mention that my sweatshirt has spit up stains on it?

We are SO the trashiest family at the preschool.

(If you don't believe me, notice that I'm blogging about this instead of scrubbing my floors.)


melissa said...

oh i SO get that!! i always feel like the t.t family from my son's preschool. i just need more rust on my car and some missing teeth...

exmi said...

hahah. just like me.