So that means I have to pick a featured blogger of my own. Do you know how hard that is? Do you have any idea how many great bloggers are in my Google Reader? But I only get to pick one. So I apologize to everyone else, because you are all fantastic.
- Title Of Blog I Would Like To Feature Is: One Word, One Rung, One Day
- URL To That Blog: http://traviserwin.blogspot.com
- I Like This Blog Because: Travis is funny and clever. And his blog covers so many things - writing, marriage, crazy stories from his youth - that you can always find a post or two to suit your mood.
- Here Is A Post I Enjoyed: I really liked this one. Possibly because it's something Hot Guy would write, if he wrote stories about our lives.
I'm new to your site, but I like what I see. I found you thru AllMediocre.
Glad I made you feel all superior. LOL. I'll go check out your featured blogger now! :)
Karly made a good choice. You are awesome!
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