My mind still feels the same with number three - too schizophrenic for proper journaling. And having basically memorized my pregnancy books, I hadn't read much this time around. Although I may have been a little possessive with all the magazines in the OB's office (I returned them. Honest.) Then the wonderful people at MotherTalk asked if I wanted to review The Pregnancy Journal.

I LOVE this one. Every single DAY has new information. Right this minute, for example, NewBaby is growing eyebrows. Okay, that may not seem exciting to you, but it thrills me to know that. (This is what happens when Jerseygirl can't drink. Obsession with minutiae.) In addition to all the fun daily baby growing info, there are short sections for recording feelings (and weight - which I'm skipping. There doesn't need to be a written record of my weight outside the doctor's office. And I'm not even sure they really need one). There are also snippets of info about birth rituals in other cultures.
I wish I had had this when I was pregnant with Ironflower (seriously, how can they have come up with so many cool books and new products in less than four years?) and Lovebug. But it's probably nice that number three will have something new that's just for him as he's getting a lot of hand-me-downs and garage sale finds.
I think this journal would be a fantastic baby shower gift or a great way to commemorate a second (or third or fourth) pregnancy. Even for a mom-to-be who "hates" writing, the journal would be great. Each writing section has a place for one word answers on moods and a few lines for writing. There are also questions at the beginning and ending of the journal. And even if a mom skips all the writing prompts, she still gets new info about her baby every single day. And THAT is cool.
i got this when prego and loved it.
[...] Dirty Little Secret says, “I LOVE this one. Every single DAY has new information. Right this minute, for example, NewBaby is growing eyebrows. Okay, that may not seem exciting to you, but it thrills me to know that.” [...]
That's wonderful you've found something that makes the third time fresh.
That sounds like something I would like. And like you said, it is something new and fresh for baby #3. :)
My best friend got pregnant at 18 our freshman year of college. I followed her pregnancy (to an unhealthy level!) with this book across the hall from her in my dorm room. I was like her baby's stalker. I initially bought the book to give her as a gift but after flipping through it, I had to go out to get a second copy to give her. I was fascinated by how much happened each day. It's one thing to think: "Oh, sometime this month, baby's toenails will develop" but to actually know that it is probably happening TODAY. It's amazing!
The "What to Expect" books are wonderful! Nice blog - I found you thru the ladies at AllMediocre.
It's great to know about this! I used What to Expect like a bible, but actually, it made me more paranoid than anything else, lol.
oh...i forgot to mention that the show baby borrowers premieres tonight june 25th at 9pm on nbc for those of you who want to watch's a great show for moms like us...i highly recommend learn about parenting...:)
It's great to know about this! I used What to Expect like a bible, but actually, it made me more paranoid than anything else, lol.
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