When I signed up to review The Yummy Mummy Manifesto, I wasn't exactly excited about it. Contrary to my years of being stylish (and there were some, I swear), as a mom I look more like a reader of "Can You Ever Have Enough Black Yoga Pants?". Even the checker at the grocery store today (no fashionista herself, let me tell ya) mentioned how worn out and frumpy I looked (okay, she didn't SAY the frumpy, but it was there). It's not that I don't like clothes (or hair with a style, or cute shoes, or well-blended make-up. . . .), I just haven't been bothered for four years or so.
But while author Anna Johnson does talk about having a sense of personal style, her book isn't about how to be a fashionable mom. It's about how to have a yummy life AS a mummy. The preface opens with this:
"Osho, the Indian mystic, once wrote that when a child is born, a mother is born too."
Honestly, I'd never thought of it that way. Which may explain how, when leopard print mini-skirts and black tights no longer seemed appropriate, I had no idea what to wear. . .or who I was. This book talks about that journey - from "Wow, I'm pregnant!" to "Birth wasn't how I'd imagined it would be" to "If I can't make friends with the other mothers, does that mean my child is doomed to become a social outcast?" - in its emotional and creative aspects.
Johnson talks about sex, style, friendship, journaling, breastfeeding basics, cool names for your baby, healthy food ideas, nursery design, balancing working and mommying, staying at home without going crazy, crafts for women who hate them, mantras for bad days. . . .basically it's like having a whole bunch of fantastic mommy blogs in one book.
The book ends with a list of twenty selfish pleasures ". ..That are not so selfish after all." Can I tell you how much I love a mommy book that opens with a reminder that the alleged "mommy wars" are ridiculous and closes with a list of fun things to do for YOURSELF? Once again, I am just sad that I didn't read this book when I first had Ironflower. Though a rereading would have been definitely in order now, as I've been ignoring my main creative outlet (blogging), and forgotten what a cute outfit looks like on me.
If you're feeling frazzled, worn out and/or frumpy, I suggest reading this book. Soon.
I'm still of the opinion that it's okay to be a bit frumpy. I don't go anywhere or see anyone.
Sounds like a really fun book! :-) I may have to check it out. I am guilty of frumping around the house occasionally, but I don't like to be out in public all frumped out. ;-)
frazzled, worn out and frumpy...and I'm not even pregnant!
I was wondering about this book. Thanks for the review!
Crazy, tired & a bit frumpy fits me well lately... I've gone from a mommy of eight just getting her groove back to a grandmother of two feeling like I'm over the hill...
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