
Rain, Rain Go Away

I swear to God if it rains one more day in a row, I'm going to have to beat someone up. Quite possibly the mom at Ironflower's preschool who wore LEOPARD PRINT HIGH HEELS (plus jeans and a pink fleece vest) to drop off her child this morning. Anyway, I really need some sun. It's practically Memorial Day weekend - and I know I was tan - from the New Jersey sun - this same weekend nineteen years ago for my senior prom. I have pictures to prove it (but none scanned into the computer, sorry - picture a TAN, a Laura Ashley strapless floral print dress and big blond hair and that sums it up).

I didn't realize how attached I was to the sun until I moved to Kansas City. After four years of bordering on clinical depression in the Pacific Northwest, I was suddenly a happy person upon moving to sunny KC (okay, some of that might have been getting rid of my asshole ex-husband, but not all of it). And now back in Jersey - rainier Jersey - I find myself growing grumpier. I find myself hostile toward the weather. I find myself fantasizing about moving to Florida or Arizona- before I'm 70.

Supposedly the weekend is going to be sunny. But at this point I'm afraid to hope. Yesterday I got some pictures from my cousins in Anchorage. It was 60 degrees and sunny there, so the kids - in bathing suits - were in the wading pool (my cousin believes in toughening them up to prep them for growing up in Alaska). It was 58 degrees and RAINING here. The weather was WORSE here than in freaking Alaska.


LifeAsIKnowIt said...

I am totally affected by the weather. Winters are the worst. This week has been cloudy and dreary, but the sun is supposed to shine tomorrow. Yay.

MamaGeek said...

I'm witcha. First it was snow, then it was rain. Mother Nature (and that chic wearing that outfit) just aren't right in the head these days!

Travis Erwin said...

You can still catch up with a roll of tin foil and a can of Crisco.

Becky said...

It's been unseasonably cool here as well. I'm waiting for a hot day to come my way.

AndreAnna said...

Yeah, Jersey is totally pissing me off lately with its bizarre weather. I drive 20 minutes one way and it's like a whole different climate.

Karly said...

Amen on moving somewhere sunny before you're too old to enjoy it. I would love to move, but my husband has this dumb idea that being near our family is important. He's dumb.

CC said...

You had me at: "After four years of bordering on clinical depression in the Pacific Northwest"....

Merry said...

I'm with you, Jersey.

It's been the coldest flippin' spring ever. My kids are dying to wear shorts to school, but it's been too cold to even go without a coat - and they only have a few weeks left... jeeze it's almost June...

Hopefully we get some summer weather soon. How are you feeling and how is hubby? It's been a while since I checked in.

anglophilefootballfanatic said...

Oh, hon. I'm so sorry. I thought we had a miserable & cold spring, but it sounds like you are still stuck in spring?. If you need a place to get away to? My 93 degrees and nary a cloud in the sky is always open.

LunaNik said...

I'm waiting patiently for warmer weather, but, I have to say, I'm enjoying the cool temps. Because you know that in July, during a hot and humid heatwave, we'll be looking back on this time with envy.

canadianflake said...

We are having the same sorta crappy on and off again weather here. I keep reminding the gnome soon it will be wayyyyyy too hot...lol.

Hang in there.

silken said...

don't think you'd like the hot and humid down here! it was 80 degrees yesterday at 6am!