The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book is the first pregnancy book I've ever read that wasn't filled with either terrifying outcomes and impossible diets, or so much bitching and moaning that I hated life after reading it. The author, Marjorie Greenfield, is an obstetrician and gynecologist who presents everything calmly and clearly - from how your baby is growing to how to deal with nosy co-workers.
This being my third time around and all, I didn't expect to get much new information from the book. Heh. I was wrong. I loved the way she talked practically (but not officiously) about working through fatigue and nausea, about returning to work after maternity leave and how to deal with your boss. All I could think about as I read was how much I wished I'd had this book when I was pregnant with Ironflower.
But the new info wasn't all work-related. There were great charts in the back detailing infections and outcomes, ultrasound findings and other interesting pieces of information. There was great information about pumping, the realities (and drug options) of c-sections and newborn tests. And throughout the book there were quotes from real women (including a governor) who had worked through their pregnancies. The quotes were probably my favorite part, as it was reassuring to see how many other women felt the same way I did.
The book also discussed getting pregnant and infertility treatments, something I haven't come across in any other pregnancy books. At the back of the book (not scattered throughout for maximum terror) there's information on dangerous symptoms, infections and on how health conditions may affect your pregnancy. But the general tone of the book is one that assumes that you and your baby will be just fine.
The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book is also filled with questionnaires and charts to help you make important decisions, from choosing your doctor to choosing newborn tests. And even though this is my third, I hadn't even thought of some of the questions on the doctor list. Which I will be asking at my next appointment. Anyway, the book is very handy if you're having pregnancy brain like I am.
I am so sorry that this book came out after most of my friends had their first child, because I think it would be the perfect shower gift. Even the resource list (which included books and websites) was more comprehensive than most others I have found. If you know anyone who's just gotten pregnant (especially with her first), recommend THIS book to them - not the one that has terrorized pregnant women for the last ten (or more?) years.
[...] Dirty Little Secret says, “This being my third time around and all, I didn’t expect to get much new information from the book. Heh. I was wrong. I loved the way she talked practically (but not officiously) about working through fatigue and nausea, about returning to work after maternity leave and how to deal with your boss. All I could think about as I read was how much I wished I’d had this book when I was pregnant with Ironflower.” [...]
This reminds me of the movie Knocked Up where that dude wouldn't read the books.
i have two friends who are pregnant with their first. i already purchased the girlfriend's guide for her, but i'm sure she's done with it already... was thinking about getting her another one, and i will check this one out. :)
Thanks for sharing this book! I will be sure to recommend it to my congregants and friends!
I am glad you found something that you found so helpful...information is power, as they say!!
I would have loved this book when I was pregnant and working full time! What a shame it wasn't out back then. Ways to deal with nosy co-workers wouldn't really have helped, though -- nobody wanted to know anything about my pregnancy at all. A few of my colleagues (all male) were afraid I would go into premature labor and possibly require their services.
Travis - Are you comparing me to Seth Rogen?
Matteroffactmommy - This one or the next book. .
Marci - I love that idea. :)
canadianflake - Excellent point.
witzl - I can picture those guys!
Travis - Are you comparing me to Seth Rogen?
Matteroffactmommy - This one or the next book. .
Marci - I love that idea. :)
canadianflake - Excellent point.
witzl - I can picture those guys!
Thanks for sharing this book! I will be sure to recommend it to my congregants and friends!
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