At first, I was disappointed. I thought I was having a girl. (And I was so right on the first two that it kinda sucks to go from a 100% average to a 66% average) And I thought that having a girl last would mean that Lovebug wouldn't have as many middle child issues since he would be the only boy. Ironflower wanted a baby sister. And girl clothes are cuter.
But I think Lovebug will handle sharing a room far better than Ironflower would have. And this way we don't have to switch rooms (Lovebug's room is bigger - it has blue carpet, which is why it's his. Ironflower's room has pale pinkish/purple carpet, so room switching also would have meant new carpet for everyone. Not cheap). And while I do think (generally) that boys are more challenging at first, after about six or so I think they are easier.
So, I'm pretty happy overall. He looks very healthy and all his measurements are right on time. Besides, I think we've been pretty successful so far:

Congrats!! A healthy baby is the best thing, and it's a total bonus that it works out logistically with sharing rooms, etc. Your children are adorable! Obviously the product of a great gene pool and superior parenting (it's what I tell myself about my kids all the time!).
Your kids are absolutely adorable! Can't wait to see number 3. :)
Wooohooo! Boys must be in the air!
Yeah!!!! Congratulations to you!!! That is very exciting news!
You kids are so amazingly beautiful!!
YEAH for a healthy baby, Mama! Look at those darling babies! You know how to cook 'em!
That's fantastic news! You know how much I love boys. That sounds grosser than I meant it to.
Congrats to you four. It's great for boys to have brothers to monkey around with. I love me some boy..and freely say that. I think you'll save money on clothes. And, I think they are easy. Girls will be tough from age like 4 onwards!
oh boy, she will rule the house with those 2 boys doing whatever she says !! congrats
what dolls! boys, girls, it's all good! :)
Congratulations! Little boys are so fun, even if they don't get to wear pink frills. :) Besides, with such a gorgeous daughter, you're gonna need all the sons you can get to keep the boyfriends away. Lovebug is adorable too.
Congratulations! Having two boys myself, they are awesome! They love their mama's so much. I don't have a daughter, but I tend to agree w/ you that they are easier after age 6 or so- at least that is what I keep telling myself. :-)
woooohooooo Congrats..glad everything looked good. Man oh man you sure dooooo make purdyyyy babies...looking forward to seeing the 3rd edition..
YEAH for boys!! How exciting to know already! People always ask us what we want, and I know the standard answer is "a healthy baby", but the truth is I do want a girl! But, don't worry, I won't be like that couple in England and leave it at the hospital if it's the wrong gender!
Glad all looks well and congrats on the boy. I have two myself and no girls but that is probably a good thing since turtlenecks, trench coats, and chastity belts really aren't all that fashionable.
Mercy Project - Oh yes, I forgot about my superior gene pool! :)
Wordvixen - Thank you - me neither.
Kathryn - Thank you! Thank you.
AndreAnna - They must be.
Jess - Thank you - we're pretty happy.
Becky - Thanks - and it didn't sound THAT gross.
AFF - All excellent points. And Ironflower is already kinda temperamental!
feener - I hope they don't grow up afraid of girls, then!
silken - You're right.
Karly - Thank you. And yeah, it will be good to have a back-up bodyguard for her.
Heather - I'm sure that's true.
canadianflake - Thanks - though after all the compliments, I have to admit that they look nothing like me.
Jenni - I hear you - it's hard not to want one gender or another, at least at the beginning of the pregnancy.
Travis - I think it's probably a good thing because with that plan she'd have to rebel and become a Playmate or something.
Gosh you make pretty babies. I'm sure this one will be just as adorable. Congrats on your brand new boy!
AGH! OMG SO CUTE! i'm sick from all the cute!
Congrats! Your 2 pictured here are just gorgeous! so I'm guessing this newest addition will be as well :)
Congratulations! Your kids are absolutely adorable. And I love their outfits. I'm sure number three will be a cutie, too.
Congrats and wow, you're kids are adorable!
Oh yeah, a BOY! Congrats!!!!!!!
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