
Or Maybe Just Put The Tequila Into The Sippy Cup

Wow, the kids in bars post sure inspired a lot of discussion. For the record, I do think it's different if we're talking about restaurants with bars attached. But not at ten p.m. on a Friday night. And to all of you who said, "I go to bars to get away from children," - I say, "Hell yeah, sistahs!"

And I'm just joking about the tequila in the sippy cups - I think my kids should start off with something sweeter, like rum. Or possibly Valium. Why is it that the more exhausted I feel the more energy they have? So far they haven't figured out that my throwing the ball as far as I can and telling them to run and catch it isn't really a game, but I fear it's only a matter of time. They're pretty smart.

In other news, I had my ultrasound tonight and everything looks fine! Once again, you all were right. Though you all could have mentioned that at these early ones they do it vaginally. Wasn't prepared for THAT. Luckily it didn't last long since apparently by the time you get to #3 your uterus has moved permanently up. Was that too much information?

And I am happy to report that there's only one in there. After throwing up in the shower last night (I highly recommend it - such easy clean up) - something I never did with Ironflower or Lovebug - I was afraid that all these excess hormones meant I was having twins. But apparently it just means that the third time's the charm. Or something like that.

In other baby'-related news, Leslie over at My Mommy's Place is having her little girl tomorrow. Stop by to wish her an easy time and continue stopping by until you read the guest post I did for her. I'm not sure when it will be up (or if, to be honest - I'm not that happy with it and I told Leslie I wouldn't be offended if she didn't use it) but her posts are great and I'm sure her other guests' posts will be awesome. Plus, there'll be newborn pictures!

Oh, and I apologize profusely if I haven't dropped by your blog much lately. I will be there soon, I promise.


anglophilefootballfanatic said...

I'm so glad you got a breather via the ultrasound. You totally deserve a bit of uplifting person, right?! And, puking in the shower is brilliant. I need to remember that.

HRH said...

Oh so glad things are going well. Loved the TMI and I could have warned you, but you figured out the benefit of #3. Couldn't agree with you more about the kid in the bar...wha?

Kathryn said...

So glad everything went well with the ultrasound. Sorry about the vajayjay intrusion but it was for a good cause. ;)

Jess said...

LOL! I'll never forget the look on The Husband's face when they took out that wand.
I'm SO SO glad everything looked great, Mama. Here's a drink (you can have orange juice) to no more medical drama in your world- you are creative enough, thankyouverymuch. :) Best wishes for a long & healthy pregnancy. And to throwing up in the shower (if you have to throw up at all).

Leslie said...

I have so much reading to catch up on here! And I'm off to do it, but I had to tell you that I still didn't get that guest post! It must be my freaky-deaky e-mail troll eating it up. How lame would I be to ask you to re-send it?

anglophilefootballfanatic said...

I'm so glad you got a breather via the ultrasound. You totally deserve a bit of uplifting person, right?! And, puking in the shower is brilliant. I need to remember that.