Well, that's okay, because I have more coolness: Canadianflake gave me an award.

How cool is that? What I would love to do is give this award to everyone who comments and reads regularly and especially to those of you who have subscribed. But I don't know who's subscribed (is there any way to find that out?) and I'm not sure how I'd define "regularly". But if you feel that you fit into those categories, please assume that I am passing the award on to you. And those of you that are on my Google Reader, whose blogs I read and comment on at least every week? The award is for you too. Here. Now go give it to someone else.
Seriously, I can't narrow down all the people I love in Blogland - there are just too many of you. But I expect to see this award on all of your sidebars/award pages right away. For reals, I really want YOU to have it.
In other cool news, have any of you started watching the John Adams miniseries on HBO? I know I'm a history geek, but it is AMAZING. If you've always hated history, watch it and see how compelling it can be. And if you like history, you will LOVE this.
I don't read a lot of mom blogs but I can't imagine many ebing ebtter than your blog so congrats, you deserve the award.
I love that John Adams mini-series. I'm impressed that they managed to make me thing "I wonder what happens next!" even though I, um, already know. I think I'm scarred for life by that tarring scene though.
I've taken the award as I know of one blogger who is going through pure hell in her personal family life and I hope this will cheer her up slightly
Way to GO! How exciting to be a top 50 mom blogger. And, so totally deserved.
Also, if I had HBO (ugh) I would so be watching it. I keep hearing from everybody who knows I taught US History how amazing it is...and I have always loved the naughty John. Did they convey Abigail giving birth a mere 5.5 months after they got married?
Yeah for you! That is so cool.
I am grabbing the award and going...thanks!
JerseyGirl is Most Hawsum.
Yeah! That's great! She obviously has great taste to put you on her list.
Travis - Thank you - you are too sweet!
Jen - I hear you and I know exactly what you mean about "What happens next?"
feener44 - I missed Into the West, but Hubby loved it.
Amanda - I hope it works!
AFF - I didn't know that about Abigail and John! That's fabulous. ;)
HRH - Yay! I'm glad.
Becky - I'm blushing! Thank you.
Wordvixen - You definitely should. And thanks.
Dory - Thank you!
LunaNik - Oh, you are making me blush too!
Jenni - I bet they will.
Congrats, lady! That's awesome and completely deserved!
As for the John Adams series, it's getting rave reviews and the boyfriend! is a history buff too....but alas we don't have HBO. We will most likely be buying it on disc though!
Congrats on the top 50 and your award. You deserve both, my friend!
jersey, C-fing-GRATS! that is awesome! love your blog!
I didn't know you were a history geek too. :)
The JA series rocks. The small pox "vaccine" was worse than the tar & feathering for me...
Congratulations on the award!!
I've taken the award as I know of one blogger who is going through pure hell in her personal family life and I hope this will cheer her up slightly
I love that John Adams mini-series. I'm impressed that they managed to make me thing "I wonder what happens next!" even though I, um, already know. I think I'm scarred for life by that tarring scene though.
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