
And Now For Something Completely Different

I haven't gotten very political on this blog. And trust me, it's not because I'm not a political person. I honestly can't tell you why this made me change my ways and give up my general separation of blog and political state.

It's about Hillary. And feminism. And stuff.

Look, I don't care if you hate Hillary for her political views or her odd marriage. I don't care if you make jokes about her personality or her political decisions. But if you're making jokes about Hillary really being a man? Or giggling while someone shouts, "Iron my shirt!" Then you're an asshole. Because would you joke about Obama "really being white"? Or would you laugh if someone shouted, "Plow my field!" during one of his speeches? Maybe you would. And if that's true, then go have fun in your cave. But if what I said about Obama REALLY offended you, why doesn't it offend you when Hillary gets the same treatment?

Possibly because you're like the woman who commented on The Soccer Mom Vote who claimed that feminism had ruined her life. I wondered how. Was it the right to vote? Own property? Get paid the same wages for equal work? Not being sexually harassed at work? Having maternity leave? Having rape victims not being treated like sluts? I was really dying to know how feminism had ruined this woman's life.

I am so tired of hearing about "whiny" feminists. Did you know our maternity leave policies are on a par with Lesotho's? That only 16% of our elected representatives are women? That date rape still happens?

What's your take? Do you call yourself a feminist? Or do you think I'm being hysterical?

(all stats taken from this week's Newsweek)


Yvette said...

double kudos. you are not being hysterical. and now we have this stupid ny governor abusing his power and authority with a prostitute. read the nyt opinion artical called The Myth of the Victimless Crime: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/12/opinion/12farley.html?em&ex=1205553600&en=47c8a9873124e3bd&ei=5087%0A

anglophilefootballfanatic said...

I think of myself as a traditional feminist...Donna Reed with rights. Equal pay for equal work, voting, mat leave (but only if paternity leave is universal,too!)....but I will stay home. I don't like people looking down at me for that. It's my choice. It has caused hardships. It is not easy. I don't like H. I never have. I don't think she's representative of any of the American women I know and deal with on a daily basis.

colleen_katana said...

Hell effing yeah! I'm personally not a huge Hillary fan, but I definitely agree with everything you stated!

Oh...and um...did I miss something in one of your posts?? You're pregnant? CONGRATS! (I guess this means that we can't down a few tequila shots together if we ever hang out, huh?=0)

jerseygirl89 said...

Reiza - yay! Bravo!

byrnedoutmom said...

You go girl! (Is that still the phrase?) What do I know I'm just a middle-aged SAHM. Ditto to WordVixen with the exclusion that I know where Lesotho is :)

LunaNik said...

Hoo-rah! Nicely said. I am hesitant to pin a label on myself but if I had to, I'd be a feminist. This post was brilliant!

Meredith said...

I completely agree with your post, and do call myself a feminist. I hate how people feel they have the right to be so hateful and spiteful to Hillary. I think it's because they don't really have much to attack, and they have to attack something.

heathersway said...

I am a feminist but I understand why some women avoid the label. It is true that there are some crazies out there.

LunaNik said...

Hoo-rah! Nicely said. I am hesitant to pin a label on myself but if I had to, I'd be a feminist. This post was brilliant!

anglophilefootballfanatic said...

I think of myself as a traditional feminist...Donna Reed with rights. Equal pay for equal work, voting, mat leave (but only if paternity leave is universal,too!)....but I will stay home. I don't like people looking down at me for that. It's my choice. It has caused hardships. It is not easy. I don't like H. I never have. I don't think she's representative of any of the American women I know and deal with on a daily basis.