The fantastic and prolific Wordvixen tagged me with it. Probably simply because she knows that I need a lot of validation and that I thrive on awards and memes. I am flattered. Actually. . .wait, what's better than flattered? Honored? Then I'm honored. Because this is a WRITING award. From the amazing Shameless Lions Writing Circle. After receiving it, I am supposed to give you three writing tips and then pass it on to five other bloggers.
I don't feel qualified to give anyone writing tips, to be honest. But if I waited until I felt qualified to do something before actually doing it, Ironflower would still be in the womb. So without further over-explanation:
Writing Tips from Jerseygirl
1. READ. READ. READ. Read anything and everything. Magazines, newspapers, blogs, novels, essays, short stories, poems, comic books, graphic novels - they all count. Though I recommend finding the best of anything and everything.
2. Read your writing OUT LOUD. It's probably better to read it out loud to other people, but since I have a hard time with that I don't feel right suggesting it. So I'll just say, read it out loud to yourself.
3. Read Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
And now for the fun part. . .passing the love on!
1. Leslie at My Mommy's Place. C'mon, you knew I was going to tag her, didn't you? I think she's an amazing writer. And she needs a little pick-me-up today anyway.
2. Anglophile Football Fanatic. She always makes me laugh. Her post about her in-laws? Hysterical.
3. Life As I Know It. More funny stuff that I love to read.
4. Karly at Wiping Up Snot. Yep, more funny. I like funny. And Karly's attitude is VERY funny.
5. I can't NOT tag Merry at Mom and More. Because she is a great writer. (and sometimes she's really funny, too).
My goodness. I'm totally honored. I've had the the shit for a day with a migraine that made me want to drive an ice pick into my temples, and then I get this. Thank you! If only you knew how much trouble that post got me in.....my BIL just happened to read it....AHHH!
Okay, anglophile, now I have to go look at your posts... that, by the way, is why none of my personal friends or family have my blog url - I almost never mention them - but I don't want to second guess what I'm writing in case I decide to.
Thank you, jersey. As Travis pointed out, I did already do this one - but I'm honored that you thought of me!!! It is like a little family, though, you notice your favorite bloggers start to overlap after a while.
Darnit. You just made me go read Anglophile. I've been avoiding the blog because I knew I'd love it, and I so don't need more blogs to read! :) But now she's residing on my RSS reader.
Excellent picks, I must say!
Thanks for the tag!
You so deserve it cuz, your a natural like your mom. Congrats! I have so much catching up to do on your blogs...here I go!
Oh my word! Bird by Bird? I LOVE that book. I had to get it for a Creative Writing class once and I thought it was phenomenal. Even though I tend to find my way to other writers, I've never found anyone else who was familiar with that book. My husband (also a writer), noticed it on our bookshelf the other day and asked what it was because he had never noticed it or even heard of it before (which is bizarre because that book was a part of my life before he was and has stood on book shelves in every place we've ever lived).
Oh and after my long rambling comment, I'll add congrats on the award. :-)
Thanks for the tag. Just finished it!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So often I get things for being a "nice person," but "an amazing writer" ???? Now, you're making me blush.
I'm sorry I'm so late to the party. I'm behind on EVERYTHING right now. Truly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
You so deserve it cuz, your a natural like your mom. Congrats! I have so much catching up to do on your blogs...here I go!
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