
Oh My God, I'm THAT Parent

As a teacher it seemed that every year I had one of THOSE parents. One of THOSE parents who couldn't pick their kid up on time. And I couldn't understand it. School let out at the same time every day, why couldn't this person get his/her act together and get there on time? Of course I understood about occasional delays - I'm pretty sure every parent was late at least once. But I couldn't understand those people who were habitually late. Especially the ones who didn't have jobs.

Ha-ha on me.

I was late for the THIRD time today. For the THIRD time, Ironflower was the last kid picked up from her class. Thank God she couldn't have cared less.

But I do. Because I'm pretty sure that Mrs.G now thinks of me as one of THOSE parents. In my defense, the snow storm had started about an hour before school let out. I left myself an extra ten minutes to get to the school, but I actually needed twenty minutes (because seriously? Lexus drivers really do suck). It's always traffic or a Lovebug tantrum that makes me late.

Leave earlier, you ask? I can't. I'm one of THOSE parents.


Merry Jelinek said...

You know, I was never one of THOSE parents with my first, because the school was two blocks from my house and I'm a paranoid freak who thought if the doors opened and I wasn't there she might disappear... I know the teacher wouldn't let her leave I just couldn't get the image out of my head.

It might make you happy to know that I've been one of THOSE parents with my youngest this year... Kindergarten, for some ungodly reason, gets out a full five minutes before Second grade (which my other son is in) and I've pushed til the last minute since it's been cold, not wanting to stand in a freezing parkinglot any longer than was necessary... on the plus side, my youngest gets to stand in the doors with the teacher... on the minus side, the last time I did it he practically growled at me in frustration.

AnGlOpHiLe FoOtBaLl FaNaTiC said...

Ehh, get the teacher a great Christmas present. She'll forget all about it! And, the world needs a few of those parents. What you really need? Is a some sort of megaphone to tell the Lexus drivers to make way for you.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Merry - I can't believe you're one too! You seem so together and devoted :), who knew? Thanks for making me feel better.

AFF - I am LOVING the megaphone idea.

Leslie said...

We're all that parent some time. And it seems that the harder you try to be on time, the later you get!