
Merry Christmas, Auntie Frankie and other things

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, whether it's filled with family and presents or Chinese food and movies. Or some combo thereof.

We are with my father-in-law's side of the family. I am watching Aunt Frankie for signs that she hates my children, simply because they are younger (and, okay, really, cuter) than her grandchildren and last year it pissed her off when everyone fussed over them. I used to like Aunt Frankie until I found out about the jealousy issues and this will be our first holiday together since I found out. I'm not supposed to know about her issues, so I'll have to maintain the WASP front and be nice.

But if either one of my children is upset by her (or her over-active grandsons) in any way, I'm so going Jersey on them.

(This is one of those times that I'm glad no one in my husband's family reads my blog.)
Labels: Aunt Frankie, Christmas, jealousy


Leslie said...

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

AnGlOpHiLe FoOtBaLl FaNaTiC said...

Had I been drinking I woulda spit out on the maintain the WASP front...HA! Oh, families.