Hubby thinks I let the children watch too much TV. I'm sure he's probably right. In an ideal world, my children would maybe watch one show every few days. But in case you haven't noticed, my world isn't ideal. We're still slogging our way through this nasty virus, it's freaking cold and the playgrounds are covered with snow, the mall and indoor play areas are insane and darn it, I LIKE Noggin.
But Hubby was home with us yesterday and decided that there would be no TV. Ironflower whined briefly, but soon she and Lovebug were busy. But not with their toys. No, they were busy bothering each other. ALL DARN DAY.
We normally have a few incidences of sibling issues a day. Usually they are over almost as soon as they've begun. But not yesterday. They kept going and going. They didn't really stop until Ironflower shoved Lovebug down the stairs and Hubby freaked out. To be fair, I don't think Ironflower understood why shoving him on the stairs would be any different than shoving him on the floor, but obviously we still have some work to do on "no shoving".
After that frightening fiasco, they got along better. But they were suddenly incapable of playing independently for even a minute. Even with both of us home, nothing could get done because both kids demanded that much attention.
Maybe yesterday was destined to be a bad day anyway. I don't know.
What I do know is that Noggin is on right now. And we've had no fights this morning. I've had enough stolen minutes to compose this. Everyone is happy. And isn't that what it's all about?
*****For all of you Wordless Wednesday participants and other fantastic photographers, I've just heard about the 2007 Photograph of the Year contest and I think you all should enter. There are tons of awesome prizes, including Visa gift cards, Photoshop Trio, camera bags and Pro accounts at SmugMug.
Don't you just love it when the husband comes up with some grand idea to torture everyone with?
How cool is it that Noggin is going 24 hours a day starting Jan 1?!
I didn't know about the 24 hours thing! YAY!! Screw the hubby. You stay home all day everyday. TV didn't hurt anyone. And, my kiddo's amazing vocab is testament to that.
Mama Zen - Oh yeah, I just LOVE it. :)
PG - I know - I'm so excited.
AFF - My kids have amazing vocabs too, which Hubby conveniently forgot.
Leslie - I think Hubby's a little freaked out because originally I was so against it and now I'm kind of for it.
How cool is it that Noggin is going 24 hours a day starting Jan 1?!
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