
Here's The Deal

I am currently in Kansas City. Well, actually, I'm about 40 miles outside of it. In a house with no internet access. Oh, and did I mention that we have no car at our disposal? We are having a very peaceful holiday at my in-laws', who are wonderful but don't really get the whole internet craze.

My own mother will be putting my posts up until we get back. Because she's supportive like that. But she's not so supportive that she'll be answering comments. (Well, she might, but I won't let her. Because I'm territorial like that. And my mom's a great writer.) But that doesn't mean you shouldn't comment. In fact, it means that you should comment more because I will need a HUGE bloggy fix when I get home. And I'll reply when I get home, I promise. And I'll catch up with all of your blogs too. Really.

I am spending one night at my (internet-connected) girlfriend's, but since we plan on drinking and playing cards all night I probably won't check in. No offense, but I can count on one hand the nights I have had adult time with friends since I moved LAST MARCH.

Anyway, merry Christmas Eve!