
Does This Sound Child Friendly to You?

We've been invited to a "child-friendly" New Year's Eve party. Aside from the fact that we have the whole "we don't have car access in KC" issue, we're still not going to the party.

To me, a "child-friendly" party is one that is either geared to children or one where the hosts provide a babysitter and and a blocked off playroom. To this particular crowd of Hubby's friends, however, a "child-friendly" party means one where everyone is bringing their kids. And that's it. There's nothing special for the kids to do. There's no one assigned to watch the children. The children are just there.

They thought that they offended me last summer, when I left a barbecue (that was rapidly turning into a party) at 8:00pm. They didn't understand about missing out on a party just to get my children home so that my toddlers could go to bed on time.

Maybe it's because their kids are all older than mine. Maybe it's because they all had their kids younger than I did. Maybe they just find it easier to drink in front of their kids than I do. I don't know.

I just know that I prefer to party when my kids are tucked safely in their beds, watched over by someone who is NOT partying. What about you?

1 comment:

Travis Erwin said...

I too have left get together so that I could get my kids in bed at a reasonable time. And I know exactly how you feel. All of our friends are ten or fifteen years older than us and therefore have older kids who are much more independent.